Elisbch · M
HannahSky · F
@pripyatamusementpark you beat me to the @deadgerbil tag 😂
Can you do anything for a scratchy feral cat that isn't house trained?
valobasa4ever · F
Please be kind to her .
That's a tough job .
That's a tough job .
Punches · 46-50, F
I prefer lenient moms.
valobasa4ever · F
[image/video - please log in to see this content]
Tumbleweed · F
We are a very conservative, salt of the earth bunch of townfolk here. We don't take kindly to abnormal behavior. Stop it.
Ballplayer28 · 26-30, M
I added you
Miss2024 · 26-30, F
@Ballplayer28 I have reply you
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I don't think u are old enough to be a mistress
pikminboy · 31-35, M
And similarworld is obviously the place for that 🥸
valobasa4ever · F
“You become who you spend your time with.”
SinlessOnslaught · M
OogieBoogie · F
How are you even wise enough and experienced enough in the deep psychology of sexuality and trauma to even know the fuck about what youre doing ?
What are your qualifications?
Seriously....this isn KFC and you make a burger from a picture 🤷♀
Lemme ask you something -
How do you know where their kink for submissiveness stems from and why?
What are your qualifications?
Seriously....this isn KFC and you make a burger from a picture 🤷♀
Lemme ask you something -
How do you know where their kink for submissiveness stems from and why?
Tumbleweed · F
@OogieBoogie Go ahead girl!!