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Cat on roof for almost 2 months☹️Help please!

A stray got on the rooftop and can't get down. She has been through 5 thunderstorms without any shelter.. and apt complex won't get her down, in fact I think they want her to die because I found someone with a ladder and complex told us we couldn't get her down cuz they are liable if we get injuries. So now I need a ladder that extends. And I'm gonna do this at night cuz she doesn't deserve this cruelty. ANYBODY GOT A LADDER I CAN PLEASE USE? I'll do all the work to get her down. We have called everyone to assist... But they don't care or don't have the ladder to make it happen. Please Anyone, I want to keep her too, if I can get her down before she dies. My mom and I are out of ideas and resources. NOBODY is coming to save her. I'm begging.
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Vin53 · M
Sorry, but 2 months is too far a reach....

NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Vin53 Omg I throw the food up.. poo it your thinking cap on and stop thinking you know ANYTHING!
Vin53 · M
I know cats and I know if one was stuck on a roof they got onto and didn't want to remain on, they'd be off of it in 2 days. Fact.

MasterLee · 56-60, M
I would have already rescued the cat
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@MasterLee tried rescuing her but I'm 52 and can't get up there
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
I called fire department already and they don't do it anymore... I've called so many places... I JUST NEED A LADDER PLEASE
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Vin53 · M
Get a ladder, put it up against the house, climb up and have someone call the Fire Dept to tell them you're frozen on the ladder.
Teirdalin · 31-35
@Vin53 That's genius. lol
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Vin53 Hmmm don't have a ladder man... Smh
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
CAll animal control center and they will come get it.
If that works call the local tv station.
Bad publicity works every time.

But when they get it down, be prepared to give it food and water as soon as it is rescued.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@DallasCowboysFan You know, I think you just hit on the solution to Homelessness.. Just grab a homeless person and throw them up on a roof someplace. As soon as he comes down he has a home..😷
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DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
@NoreneR71 Is it one story or 2, or 3 ?

Can you put some food and water at the bottom and clap....and hope he jumps to you?
Punches · 46-50, F
How in the HAIL did it survive for two months up there with no food?

I mean I suppose maybe it catches birds that land and eats them but still...
Punches · 46-50, F
@NoreneR71 The idea situation would be someone gets a ladder and goes up there and the cat goes to the rescuer but what if the cat cowers away from any humans?
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Punches she will come to me.. maybe my mom... But for sure to me
Vin53 · M
How big of a home are we talking about? Ht wise.

smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I would post about it on Facebook in your area. I am sure someone has a ladder
Scribbles · 36-40, F
How high is this apt building? If it's only like two stories, I'd just make a really long board to make a long enough ramp at a walkable or safe slidable slope level and let the cat come down by him or herself.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Scribbles tried that but the way property is with hills and dips.. it's not possible I tried that too
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Scribbles lol I'm ghetto fabulous with that kinda stuff but nothing has worked.. maybe I'll go get a red bull drink... It gives ya wings right?
Scribbles · 36-40, F
@NoreneR71 It can only help, right? Good luck
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Call the fire department maybe?
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Starcrossed they don't rescue animals anymore
You may not need to go onto the roof. If you can place a ladder against roof edge and leave it for awhile the cat may find her way down. Any kind of walkway to a lower spot would do the trick.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@UnderLockDown there is a lower spot yes but I still don't have a ladder.
@NoreneR71 A piece of lumber would work, doesn't need to be a ladder.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@UnderLockDown ok well I don't have lumber either.. I've already done a bunch of things
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Throw a dog up there. The cat will be down quick smart..😷
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Vin53 nobody was frantic.. just asking for a ladder, and why I needed it. You don't need to believe or buy my so called story.. your not needed, go away. Why are you still here? Your here to try calling me Nobody needs to make up lies about a cat.. your ridiculous man.. Maybe you need to do things like that.. but I'm grown. So jump back into your dictionary and look up " Maturity..
Vin53 · M
I will. As long as you promise to look up 'your' vs 'you're'.

No, no...I am sorry. maybe part of your story is true but not the part about the cat and the roof, and the 2 months.

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@NoreneR71 OK. First off, I dont call people names. (I may question the sanity or intellect of some under extreme pressure) I have no angst against you personally. Let me say I am not a cat person. Although I wont abide intentional cruelty to any animal. But its been my experience that when a cat goes up anything, they will find a way down when they wish it. If you want to add an incentive like leaving out food or water, maybe that will motivate the cat. But by the rule of threes, that cat should be dead by now from thirst or starvation after one month. Not two as you state.😷
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Fire department . They do more than fight fires, that's why it's called fire and rescue
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@iamnikki they don’t do it here and haven’t for 2 decades or so. There was a teen boy here who called them to get a cat out of a tree and they said they didn’t do that any longer. So he got a ladder and climbed up and fell and broke his back. Who comes to his rescue ? The fire department (along with an ambulance) , the same ones that couldn’t get a cat down.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@cherokeepatti Exactly... Nobody is even listening to what I am asking for.. asking for a ladder... I've called everyone for this stuck cat who is suffering daily... But nobody did anything to help, cuz I'd have a ladder by now... I love this cat.. smh always ready to give advice on everything but can't help.. they say they would of rescued it by now, or bought a ladder or rented one.. well hey come then, I want her down.. thanks for letting them know fire department doesn't do animal rescue anymore... I think they thought I was crazy or something 😂
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@NoreneR71 well how do you expect to find a ladder on an international site like this?🥴🤔
Rent, borrow, buy a ladder from someone/someplace locally. I don't believe a cat has been on a roof 2 months anyway. IF it really wanted to get down, it would do it. Stop feeding it, it'll come down. Open your window and usher it in🤷🏾‍♀️
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I would go to some industry area and ask around for both a tall enough ladder and also some handy man who's up for helping since you shouldn't be climbing up a roof unless you're experienced. The height /the tilting there's so many things you must manage.

My dad went up his house roof and he fell. He could have died but he survived.

Be careful!

And yes a cat can survive 2 months outside easily, as long as someone has given it food, when it's been rainy the cat finds water sources on it's own. They're animals they know how to survive.
are you in the states?
you can RENT an extension ladder from home depot.
Elisbch · M
I agree, call the fire department and see what they say. Animals have been rescued by them before off of roofs and trees and other places. Animal control may do it too but then without proof of ownership of who owns the cat, they would take it to a shelter. Depending on the type of shelter, that may mean certain death if not adopted.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Elisbch I want the cat..
Elisbch · M
oh.. okay... then you'll need to get friends to help. It's been 2 days since you answered. Any new developments with the kitty? I hope good 🙏🏻@NoreneR71

Maybe go to someone like a roofing contractor and talk to the boss and offer too bake them some cookies or something if they would just bring a ladder out and help you get the cat off the roof. Choose a business that uses ladders. Just another suggestion I thought of.? 🙏🏻
Our ask them to spot you on the ladder and you go up and get the cat. Better than strangers going up anyway
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
No body you know has a ladder?
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Eddiesolds yes but apt complex told them not to do it because of I get hurt.. they would be liable. But I thought if I used complex ladder they would, but not if it's someone else's. They don't care about this cat... Plus the ladder I was gonna use wasn't big enough... That's what they said to me.. but I know they don't wanna get in trouble with complex... I'm gonna do it at night..
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
@NoreneR71 I hope you get the cat soon. What a bunch of heartless people. They should be helping you. What a cruel world.
Vin53 · M
Question: How many cat skeletons have been observed on roof tops?
deadgerbil · 26-30
Maybe the fire department. Or animal control.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Call.the fire department..
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
I can't rent one, because I'm not financially able to... That's why I was asking for help here. I just need a kind soul to lend me their ladder for ten or 15 minutes.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Teirdalin okay I'll try that thanks
Teirdalin · 31-35
@NoreneR71 I assume there's gotta be someone around there that's not a psychopath that's willing to help.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Teirdalin I can handle psycho right now.. just want her down..
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
I've called all the places already.. JUST NEED A LADDER.. It's not getting done unless I go up there.. need ladder.. I love that cat, and for 2 months almost I've been trying to get her help.. so I just need ladder. Please someone.. I just need a ladder
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
@NoreneR71 can you go buy one?myself . I wouldn't hesitate.The poorthing..just go rent one even.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
Soooo if anyone has a ladder that extends and would be willing to help, please email me.. everyone is telling me who to call ect, and I've already done all those things... ALL OF THEM! I JUST NEED A LADDER.. Nothing else lol. I'm not able to just go buy one... Or I would of already for sure! Thanks anyways!
dale74 · M
Did you logically think about this if the cat has been there for three weeks and it’s still alive then the cat is getting down to find food.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@dale74 for 1 it almost 2 months, and it's me feeding her
dale74 · M
@NoreneR71 Why should she come down if you supply the Uber eats
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@dale74 OMG why should she starve to death.. I'll keep throwing up food..
Two months is not believable. If up for a few days, call the fire department. They do good deeds like this.
@Teirdalin I rather doubt so. Skin and bones if alive. I cannot imagine a kitten surviving. And why wait this damn long to do something. After 3 days, I would have handled it my way or called the fire department. If she can give it food and water, why not get it down? I would only have to ask a neighbour man to climb a ladder should I not want to.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@PoetryNEmotion Fire departments won’t rescue cats in most cities now. A teenage boy asked for help one time and they told them they didn’t do that. He got up on a ladder and climbed the tree to get the cat down and fell and broke his back. So the fire department sent out a truck after the 9-1-1 call to assist with the rescue. 🫣
@cherokeepatti They do here in Ontario, Canada.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Call the firebrigade they will rescue it . I know because I have seen others do it they will come out and rescue it .
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Rhode57 I called and they don't do it anymore
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
@NoreneR71 What about your local animal protection and rescue . They do all the time .
Confined · 56-60, M
Have you called authorities? They can get in legal trouble for not rescuing the cat.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Confined Not the cops but everyone else
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Confined 311 says they can't help and fire department doesn't do that stuff anymore
Vin53 · M
Wait a minute, did you say 2 months???!!

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Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Vin53 Reported.
Wiseacre · F
Go round the neiborhood and borrow a ladder...then find a young guy to help. Problem solved.
itsok · 31-35, F
I bet animal control or one of the animal shelters in your area could direct you.
There must be some anti cruelty legislation you can call on. Threaten them with a huge fine under cruelty charges. 2 months is a very long time.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@UnderLockDown 311 told me that it was between me and complex.. I want them to pay for what they have put her through believe me... And property manager lives right above us too... She just laughs about it, or says she will handle it.. Never gets done! And if we keep pushing she may try evicting us for it... She seems the type..
Is there no roof access from a stairwell?
What country, what city is this ? You’re asking total strangers on an international site to bring you a ladder because nobody you know has one ? 🤔
Vin53 · M
I think I'm in love w/u as well. ❤️

deadgerbil · 26-30
@bijouxbroussard yeah this is a poorly written/formatted attempt for help at best. I don't get some people
Vin53 · M
Family, friends and neighbors?
Teirdalin · 31-35
Literally what the fire departments side job is. What a lame thing of them to just refuse to help.

Time to rent a ladder and save that kitty yourself, get someone to help hold the bottom for you.
akindheart · 61-69, F
Call the fire dept or animal rescue
Teslin · M
Fire Department
Vin53 · M
I can send you a ladder but can only afford to ship it rung by rung. Tell Bootsy to hang in there!! 💪 👍
If youre able to get the cat down do it. Just be careful
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
animal control
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Where do you live ?
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
Atlotto · M
Try calling a local news channel.
NoreneR71 · 51-55, F
@Atlotto I emailed them but no response
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
put an ad on Craigslist: free cat on roof

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