I’m usually very tolerant but I’ve blocked a few over the past couple of days and have my eye on a few more. I just don’t want to look at the garbage they’re spewing anymore.
I don't really engage much with people anymore. If someone is rude to me online, I just ignore them because I don't carry through with the interaction. I do find people are a lot more full of angst and rudeness.
Kind of depends... if they intrude I usually ignore them, but if they don't let up, then I block them. Otherwise I learn who they are and never look at their posts.
What I am even more tired of is people who are totally unaware of their own bad behavior. When they initiate rudeness and you are rude back, they accuse YOU of being rude while they walk around with a halo. Even if you point their behavior out in black & white, they dig in and accuse you of being even more rude. But then self unawareness is rampant on social media. It's the nature of the beast. These people are here for a reason.
@Magenta Many of these over sensitive social misfits don't even know what "rude" means. Being correct and backing it up is not being rude. Standing one's ground is not being rude. Being honest is not being rude.
I know a couple of people who've always been a bit rude to everyone; a type who just says what they think, whether it's based on fact or not - a kind of uninhibited blurt with no awareness of the effect on others.
I find the easiest way to encourage kindness, politeness and consideration is just to unfailingly behave that way. If one feels irritated or inconvenienced, just gently turn away and let it go. Or if it's something important, gently find out what's going on for the other person, what their need might be.
I never blocked anyone for being rude online, it's fun to go back and fourth throwing insults. Unless the person is just too stupid or nuts to even argue. Paid shills might hack your computer or mass report your account. They're just pretending to have the beliefs they're arguing with you about anyway. It's a job to them and engaging with them is just playing into their employers hands. So I block them rendering them useless.
I haven't blocked anyone yet. But same as offline and on, I just ignore them. It's not being rude either, some are obnoxious and deliberately trying to rile you. I just don't have any time for it. I look for the good in people but rarely find it online I think.
Irl pervasive entitlement as if someone is a victim bothers me the most. Particularly when the want you to FEEL their pain.
Sorry, I don’t.
On SW, I’m not really bothered too much. Sometimes some younger adults can be a bit snotty, but they don’t know how intelligent someone really is or how successful someone is. I typically just shrug it off to youthful ignorance.
@Zonuss If someone begins to spew nasty, hate-filled, acidic comments, I don't feel like I am a coward to block them. I don't want to put up with seeing that nastiness when I log in here.