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I Am Open Minded And Non Judgemental [I Am Open Minded and Talk About Anything]

I try my best to be in the hopes that others will come to accept me for all my quirks. I feel like sometimes though it is normal to be judgey and fear the unknown. Society scolds us for not accepting the idea of say transgender people for example, I believe intolerance should be met with understanding. If I don't understand something then I would like to learn more about it instead of being labelled racist or a homophobe. Sadly we live in an age of outcry but intolerance being met with more intolerance just creates a cycle.
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Raffie · 61-69, F
A quirky person is one who is different, an oddity in today's society, but we can as a society learn much from being different
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Quirks are what makes us great.
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Livingwell · 61-69, M
I'm totally with you. Don't be discouraged. Each one of us does matter and forces change.
kayleyem · 22-25, F
wow, i like what u wrote, and totally agree!
It certainly does! Thank you for your support!

Intolerance also sets up human social failure. A young boy today who is in any way feminine is or has been (times are slightly changing) ridiculed because gbeing feminine and being male is thought to be a bad equation for success! Even in women, equality appears to be a push towards masculine traights. But I degrees. Because femininity in males is shunned, hiding ones true personality takes place. When we do that, and pretend to take on "social gender roles" that aren't us, when begin to build failure into the equation. Men hide their true feelings so well to survive. But we can't hide them for ever and soon the damn breaks. With that comes the break up of what ever family they have lovingly tried to maintain.

We could have so much more love if people could get off this binary women are this and men are that expectation.

Again thank you for your support, and providing me with a place to put this little rant. 😊🌸
Beachlover · M
Well said , treat people no matter there lifestyles as you would like to be treated and understood.
Anopenheart · 51-55, M
This is getting increasingly difficult as more people want to pass laws against minority's. How do we be tolerant and understanding of people who wish to institutionalize their bigotry and intolerance
veronica211 · 31-35, F
The laws Obama was trying to put into effect were too eager and society wasn't ready for them. Remember the outrage from the transgender toilets in Charlotte? Certain groups should be integrated gradually instead of tyrannically forcing everyone to just accept everything without a choice, that's how hate expands and gets out of control.
Finerthings · 56-60, M
I like quirks.even my own
I always figure that I can be very quirky and unusual and strange. I try not to judge other people, because they would find it far too easy to judge me, if they wanted.
Coolkid77 · 31-35, M
I agree as well. I'm working on being more open and accepting people for who they're as a person. I would like to chat with you sometime.
ron122 · 41-45, M
What people do and feel in their life is not for me to judge. I like to think I'm very open minded. I'm sure some people don't like my lifestyle but nudity is something I've always liked
Pherick · 41-45, M
I like to think myself and others won't scream racist or homophobe as long as the questions are sincere and the person asking them is truly interested in answers. You just get alot of trolls who ask stupid questions to get a rise out of people.
veronica211 · 31-35, F
I just think not everyone is going to agree on everything, sometimes people don't respect part of my lifestyle but I won't hate them for it instead I'd try to understand why they think that way and accept it.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@veronica211: I don't expect everyone to understand or accept my way of life either, but as long as I am not hurting anyone, I do expect them to shutup and deal with it ;)
I agree. Sadly though we also live in an age where now more then ever people actually seem to take pride in wearing their ignorance as a badge of honour.
conduro · 41-45, M
That`s nice to hear.
Giaalexer · 26-30, F
Yeah very true
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Anopenheart · 51-55, M
There are open honest vulnerable people who like this place because they can be honest and trusting. And then there are the trolls and jerks who abuse those privelages

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