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I am open minded and trying to be a bit more. But being so open minded that your brain falls out, isn't doing anyone any good

reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
open minded doesn't mean to abandon critical thinking, it actually means the opposite. it means to apply critical thinking to everything, your own ideas included, so you can put aside your present view for a minute to actually consider the other idea. then if your critical thinking tares it to shreds well just too bad 🤣😂 for this same reason, when in an argument with someone always let them speak first and be patient and ask them if that is all they had to say, then take each of their points and subject it to critical thinking and if the case be, destroy their arguments and if not you get to admit you were wrong. when people won't let you talk its because they're afraid you are right, i let them speak then take out the hammer and chisel and I start chipping away one argument at the time.

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