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I Am Not As Strong As You Think I Am

I think I have quite a skill at looking ok. I dont let on the extent of my problems and I usually tell the story of how bad things are with a smile and make light of it, followed by a few jokes and I walk away quickly before crying all the way home in my car, locking myself in for the day and having a panic attack on the kitchen floor!
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Memetic · 56-60, F
Normal people don't like to deal with depression. So they distance themselves from us. Sw is a good outlet. I would say a large percentage of people here suffer from depression.
Feel free to write your story here. There is a depression group you can join. Writing and getting things out in the open might help
SweetMae · 70-79, F
It is hard to be strong all the time. I hope you have someone that you feel comfortable sharing with.
Tinymomo · 41-45, F
@nojudging Im waiting for some counselling.. and im really hoping that it helps.
nojudging · 61-69, M
I hope you find what you need. Hard as it is keep searching. Best wishes. ☺
Tinymomo · 41-45, F
@nojudging there are a few people who know the details of my problems, but im pretty sure they wish id stop going on about it now.. get the feeling my friends and family are fed up of me being so depressed for years. Feeling myself pulling away and isolating myself
nojudging · 61-69, M
That's really sad. What a shame you don't have good support. Sounds like they just think it's time to get over it. Are you in a position to seek ongoing professional counselling & support?
nojudging · 61-69, M
Can you talk to someone you trust to help unload your concern?
MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
You know, at times being strong is our only option. Hang in there.

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