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Ok let’s clear this up once and for all.

This is for the people who don't understand what the freedom protests around the world are about
Convoy to the Capital... Why? Well here's why...
It’s for the family members banned from visiting loved ones in nursing homes.
It's for the people who couldn't attend funerals and bury their loved ones.
It’s for censorship on all social media platforms.
It’s for all the people too afraid to speak up in fear of being called conspiracy theorists.
It’s for the people who willingly got the J because they were told it would end the lockdowns.
It’s for the people who willingly got the J so they could open their business again, only to be told they can’t.
It's for all the people who can no longer buy homes because of housing unaffordability and unavailability.
It’s for the people who didn’t want to get J but were coerced to.
It’s for the people who don’t want to give up their freedom of choice.
It’s for the people who only want answers to the many questions that haven’t been answered.
It’s for the people told to be to afraid to hug their family and visit their friends.
It’s for the kids to go back to being kids and to stop having to live their life's revolving around politicians’ whims.
It’s for all the religious people who were told their faith “doesn’t count”.
It’s for all the families that lost a loved one to suicide.
It’s for all the people who took their own lives due to this entrapment. Its for the mental health advocates that love and care but who aren't being supported and heard.
Its for our people too, especially our teenagers, who can't access the mental health services and counselling that they so much need.
It’s for all the thousands of nurses, doctors, police, emergency services of all kinds, teachers, early childhood workers & many other trade workers who have lost their job due to not wanting to have the J for their own personal beliefs.
It’s for the people who want their lives back. For the restaurants to serve food to everyone. For the bars to play music. For the students to learn. For the kids to be free. For the people made homeless. For people who want to work but are forced not to. This is for those people.
This is for trying to silence honest and hardworking citizens. This is for all the people told they can’t go to church.
This is for trying to steal local water assets via Three Waters Reform. This is for trying to restrict our freedom of speech, our fundamental democratic right.
This is for trying to remove our religious freedoms through shaming & bullying.
This is for spending billions on advertising campaigns instead of using it to actually care for our sick & elderly. What a shame!
This is for the abuse taking place in our long term care facilities that have been swept under the rug for too long.
This is for the sufferers of adverse side effects being ignored & shamed. This is for the lives that we lost to the J. We will never forget you nor will we stop fighting for the justice we deserve.
This is for trying to demonize good people. This is for trying to create a two-tier society. Never in my life have I ever seen the healthy punished and the sick untreated...Why have we made the cure worse then the problem itself?
This is for the 300,000 surgeries canceled because of the “health emergency”.
This is for the people that died waiting for their surgery.
This is for the people who died alone in the hospital without being able to hold the hands of their loved ones.
This is for everyone, even those that don't think they need it, it's for them and their children too. This is for the shattered relationships of families and friends, divided by the hysterical fear-mongering conducted by their government and media.
This is for the exhausted nurses. This is for the doctors that are threatened. This is for all the front line workers… delivery trucks, grocery store clerks & emergency service workers who are constantly working overtime .
This too is for our children, who we teach to stand strong, bold & firm. May they be able to stand tall once again and declare too that they have a dream.
But finally this is for everyone of us, may we all be one people again.
"Courage is infectious & so is Unity. " ❤️

Please everyone. Wake up before it’s too late.
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Your writing reminds me of this poem...

This Is My Voice
by Shane Coyczan

This is my voice, there are many like it, but this one is mine.

And it’s a fine line when you’re trying to define the finer points of politics -

politics being a Latin word

“poli” meaning many

“tics” meaning blood sucking butt lumps.

You see too many live in countries where it’s bullets instead of ballots,

where gavels fall like mallets when held in the hands of those whose judgments

can be bought as easily as children can be taught to covet,

and the only ones willing to speak up are forced to live so far beneath the radar

that the underground is considered above it.

This is for the Ho Ci Min’s and the Michael Collins,

for the Marquis de Sades and the muted Gods.

This is my voice, there are many like it, but this one is mine.

And this time it’s for the sons and daughters

who watch their mothers and fathers drown in shallow waters while

panning for the “American dream” in the polluted creek called the mainstream.

This is for the homeless people sleeping on steam vents,

making makeshift tents out of cardboard and old trash,

trying to catch 40 winks in between the crash of car wrecks

risking their necks by surviving another day so that they can starve,

so that famine can carve their body into a corpse before their heart stops beating,

so that men in a boardroom meeting

can make it harder for them to get welfare, health care.

It’s no wonder some of them pawn off their own wheelchair

and every time I walk by, I can’t help but feel at fault,

that maybe I didn’t search myself hard enough

for the control alt “s” so that I could save the world,

or at least this little girl curled up into a ball.

I’ve spent most of my life throwing compassion back like a fish that’s too small.

Gotta cash in my reality checks, drop her some spare fantasies

cause I’ve got three separate degrees from different universities,

but the most valuable thing I ever learned

was to believe people when they say “Please.”

This is my voice, there are many like it, but this one is mine.

Don’t tell me there are no heroes. This is for them, the women and the men.

For Helen Keller who against all odds found a voice.

For the choice Veronica Guerin made,

for Martin Luther King who stayed just long enough to share a dream with us.

This is for that day on the bus for sister Rosa Parks.

This is for the Joan of Arcs who believe even in the face of sparks becoming flame.

The political game that Louis Riel refused to play.

This is for the day the Dalai Lama finally goes home.

For Dr. Jeffrey Wigand who alone stared down big tobacco.

For Nelson Mandela who continues to go the extra mile.

This is for the trial that finally found a man guilty of shooting Medger Evers dead.

This is for everything Malcolm X said,

remembered by athletes who left the Olympics double-fisted.

For Arthur Miller, blacklisted for calling a witch hunt what it was.

For Galileo locked up because he said the earth was round.

For the Two Live crew who found the sound that got them banned in the USA.

And imagine if we could still hear John Lennon play.

This is for the someone who stood up today and said, “No!”.

For Edward R. Murrow who shut down McCarthy.

For Salmon Rushdie, Mahatma Ghandi,

You, me, this city, this country.

We will always have a choice.

When you stand up to be counted.

Tell the world, “This is my voice, There are many like it, but this one is mine."
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
OMIGOSH, so well said, God Bless you, and my greatest thanks for saying out loud EVERYTHING I've been thinking for over two years now!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗(this is my first 11 Hug Rating)
@SilkandLace2 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 hugs back at you.
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@Ynotisay ok, this is where you’ve got your panties muddled up.
See the enemies or the evil in this world I should say are the ones that have created the fear and caused all the problems as mentioned.
We are not creating more fear, we are simply seeking truth and exposing the evil and uniting people together, because if you were more curious rather than ignorant. You will see that there is no fear amongst us fighting for truth and freedom.
This same evil (our governments and high profile globalists) are involved in a global child sec trafficking ring.
Heard of the CABAL? That’s who you are sympathising for with your ignorance and indoctrination so let that one sink in for a moment.
You seem way undereducated and over indoctrinated.
Ynotisay · M
@BalladOfADeadSoulja Look at you. You went RIGHT to the fear. Cabal? Sex Trafficking? Unreal. I'm smelling Q all over you. Damn. You're throwing away your one life to live in a world that doesn't exist. One that's controlled by those who want the gutless fearful, angry and hateful. What a fucking waste. Please don't write me again, ok? I have NO interest in swimming in your swamp. Thanks.
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One thing I found really disturbing about the whole COVID fiasco is the fact that it was so hard for vulnerable people to get access to treatments like anti- virals

We can shut down society and take away peoples freedoms because COVID is that dangerous but asthma, over 70 and heart condition....? Sorry, you're not eligible!
Never forget what they fucking did to us.

[image/video deleted]
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I’ll never forget the day they shot rubber bullets at us at the shrine. Next time they’ll use live rounds.

A month ago a cop pointed a can of pepper spray at me. I told him “point that thing elsewhere or you’re going to end up shitting pepper spray.” Lol the cop backed off too.

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