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Straylight · 31-35, F
Smash them by rising above it.
caccoon · 36-40
@Straylight I do need to. And I will. It's just so tempting to be angry 🤣
I hope you have better luck in the future.. 😳
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caccoon · 36-40
@LvChris totally. Just hard when people lie. Or even when you detect red flags... you want to think the best of others
Or sometimes it's not anything you've done. Or committed to. Or maybe it's just out of nowhere. And then you're stuck in it and hurt and terrified simply because you're weaker and smaller
It makes me so angry
Or sometimes it's not anything you've done. Or committed to. Or maybe it's just out of nowhere. And then you're stuck in it and hurt and terrified simply because you're weaker and smaller
It makes me so angry