helenS · 36-40, F
Somebody said to me:
"You are not really good at thinking, but you are good at making others think!"
I was so very proud, I kept smiling all day long.
"You are not really good at thinking, but you are good at making others think!"
I was so very proud, I kept smiling all day long.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@helenS But Helen as much as I like you, you’ve never made me think. Not yet anyway. 🤣 okay you’re probably capable.. of doing that.
But I like you anyway! 🌸 ❤️
Quit getting the big head H.. hahaha. Jk 😉
But I like you anyway! 🌸 ❤️
Quit getting the big head H.. hahaha. Jk 😉
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
I'm here....
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NoGamesTolerated · F
@ozgirl512 I know gf… I know. Lol
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
NoGamesTolerated · F
@ozgirl512 hahaha 🤣 😘
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
Yes, but intelligence is incredibly subjective.
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
@NoGamesTolerated not sure if it's subjective or not sure you agree with my self assessment :p
NoGamesTolerated · F
@Turtlepower I’m not sure it’s subjective… I think not.
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
@NoGamesTolerated What's your measure of intelligence then? Purely quoting IQ isn't good enough.
Punches · 46-50, F
There are not a lot of Einsteins on this site.
Besides, society does not value intelligence anyways. People want to be entertained, not educated.
Besides, society does not value intelligence anyways. People want to be entertained, not educated.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I am not American so that will increase my intelligence
NoGamesTolerated · F
@nedkelly Yuppers, I guess so. 😉
NoGamesTolerated · F
@nedkelly The cards are already in your favor. 🙂
VirginMatchmaker · 46-50, M
Sometimes because I'm a good problem solver generally speaking.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Pffft, I know I'm not but at least if I ever get dementia, the loss of cognitive functions would be less humiliating and less painful to me. 😜
NoGamesTolerated · F
@CrazyMusicLover Well that’s one way of looking at it. 🥴
How do we/you define highly in this context?

Somewhere in that vicinity
Carissimi · F
I used to think so, but not anymore.
Namor69 · 41-45, M
I'm considered shmart! 🤓👍
NoGamesTolerated · F
@Namor69 I think so too. 👍
Namor69 · 41-45, M
@NoGamesTolerated ahh shux, thanks! 😊
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I think average at best
Boleuskas · M

Jungleman · M
reasonably intelligent, not highly, hardly.
I'm really scatter brained
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
I used to be pretty intelligent, now not so much 😕
richa · 36-40, M

Probably not ...I'm here and I keep doing stupid things ...so ....
NoGamesTolerated · F
@SW-User Well there is that. Then again there are many intelligent peeps here!
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I am. af'ing nerd
Harl3y100 · M
Far from it. Can’t remember where I heard this… there is more hope for a fool than for man who is wise in his own eyes. I think it’s a proverb.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@Harl3y100 I like that proverb too.
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
I recon I am intelligent I’m good at problem solving when I’m stuck
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
everyone else is just dumber 😁🕺
everyone else is just dumber 😁🕺
NoGamesTolerated · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout LOL 😂 I know… lolol

I consider myself book smart, but a complete idiot when it comes to anything else.

I really couldn't say. Some people seem to think so but I can't make a truly impartial judgement regarding myself.