BlueVeins · 22-25
plot twist: it was Lake Superior & he was wrong
Majorlatency · M
@BlueVeins Very good. I automatically assumed it was the ocean.. 

morrgin · F
@Majorlatency Oregon coast
Majorlatency · M
@morrgin Phew, then we're good with my assumption.
(Actually your question had me review this in more detail. As it turns out sea level is not absolute but differs from region to region across the globe, due to tides and other influences.)
I'm going to read some more!
(Actually your question had me review this in more detail. As it turns out sea level is not absolute but differs from region to region across the globe, due to tides and other influences.)
I'm going to read some more!
Repete · 70-79, M
Was it a really calm day because I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen the sea level, it usually has waves.
Dino11 · M
And getting higher all the time.

Blueyed · 61-69, M
Sea level!
Majorlatency · M
Ha ha..... Epic...Unless it was the dead sea!
morrgin · F
@Majorlatency no it was the Oregon coast
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F