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Tumbleweed · F
Toys, love...
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@Tumbleweed The scary part is how eerily similar a lot of these experiences are. Like they all use the same BS to take you down.
Tumbleweed · F
@MarbleMarvel which results in this
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Sometimes you're just better off not feeling that way ...
@pripyatamusementpark I kinda like doing my own thing. People's actions end up turning me off of them anyway. I didn't even realize how long it's been lol
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Don't fret my friend ..
Robots are on the assembly line as completely suitable human substitutes as we speak ..
What could possibly go wrong ...
Don't fret my friend ..
Robots are on the assembly line as completely suitable human substitutes as we speak ..
What could possibly go wrong ...
@BobbyMoeven they will compete withcomputer systems for electricity, that is in humanity's favor, as it was meant to be
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@MarbleMarvel It sounds like you are an introvert and therefore have problems with forming close attachments with other people.
@Diotrephes I am. I like people, but I like my alone time.
And bots are just awful by design
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I would like to apologize on behalf both my species and my sex.
Though, when trying to meet my goal of trying to be a better person and try to leave the world a little better than I found it it does make it feel like a low bar...
Though, when trying to meet my goal of trying to be a better person and try to leave the world a little better than I found it it does make it feel like a low bar...
@ViciDraco you are too sweet for this world tbh 🖤
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@MarbleMarvel I've got my own flaws and problems, though. I'm very, very far from perfect.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
That's sad. Back yourself and look forward, and something will come your way. Humanity can be bad, but it can also be wonderful.
For years I missed it but now I'm happy being free. 😁
@Nihiless I didn't notice how long it's been. I miss it at times but it does feel better to not deal with any of it 😁