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Remembering that nobody really has it figured out gives me a lot of peace.

We are created equally, but life is not fair and not one size fits all.

So sometimes we clash. It depends how strongly we feel on an issue, we fight. That's nature. And I can live with not agreeing with everyone, or even most, because firstly, we may agree on other things and personally, as a nature lover, I recognize the purpose of clashing/chaos. It's messy. It just is.

And being an individual and proud of the morals and values I developed, I can recognize others feeling the same about there own. I don't expect anyone to yield to me. That is never my intention though I believe some do feel that way. I put out my heartfelt and brain-thought ideas/experiences for perhaps a drop of understanding. I need to work on how I do this, because sometimes in being strong in my convictions, I dig. Or dig back. But that's the fight in me. We've all got fight.

I bet though, that we could compromise. I'm certainly willing. Unfortunately the name calling and assumptions prove nothing but ignorance and inflexibility

The native Americans used to have community meetings where members were allowed to speak without interrupt until they said their piece. They spoke back and forth, respectfully until a compromised was reached. I can't help but feel that way eradicated for a reason. Just my thoughts. Out in the world 🖤
Matt85 · 36-40, M
we're all just winging it tbh
Madmonk · M
You are a true liberal. So am I.

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