How would you rank the zodiac signs going from best to worst based on your own interactions with each zodiac sign in real life?
Which ones make it to the top ranking and which ones drop to the bottom of the list and which ones would you put right in the middle? DO you mind and care to write a small description including your thoughts on each zodiac signs by giving a small description and your own opinion on each zodiac sign? I just really enjoy these posts and reading them, all in good fun. Everyone has their purpose and I am sure a year from now these will look different as we are all growing and changing!Searched for a post to read and it looks like the last one was a year ago, so thought we could use an update. This is all based on my own experience and admittedly limited knowledge, I am certainly not an astrologist just a hobbyist.
Libra: I love a Libra- my husband is a Libra (though he is right on the Virgo cusp and he is the person that makes me believe in cusps, because goodness he has a lot of Virgo in him) so, I guess of course it is a favorite. Husband aside, I love a Libra. I like to have conversations from both sides of the coin and Libra's do this really well. Libra's I just can really enjoy and have a conversation with, bond with quickly. These are also the folks that you can run into twice a year and pick up like you just saw each other yesterday.
Taurus: This is my moon sign, so obviously I can relate to Taurus'. I am very much an air sign though, so I find Taurus' very centering and calming. Plus they have always been humble enough to know that I don't hate them just because I haven't text back in 3 months. I just got distracted designing book covers or trying to bake macarons.
Virgo: These are my favorite people to work with. I can handle any kind of blunt perfectionism so that doesn't bother me too much, but I really feel like the Virgo's in my life push me to be my best self and I just love that. I also like to think my generally Type B (ish) self helps them to chill a bit sometimes.
Sagittarius: I love a Sagittarius. Sure, they can be a bit MUCH sometimes. But they are the best people to argue with, without getting too heated in my experience. You can be blunt and tell them they are being an a-hole and go grab a coffee 5 min later. I really value that in a relationship and I appreciate their bluntness. As an Aquarius, otherwise known as the alien of zodiac lol, sometimes not having to decipher what people ACTUALLY mean vs what they are saying is very relaxing for me. I find you know where you stand with a Sag.
Aquarius: ME! The thing about us Aquarians, and I think most people feel this way about us, you either love us or you are thinking we are a little off. Maybe a bit of both. What can I say? I like how weird we can be. What I don't love about us, is that often times we get so bogged down and passionate in our views it can be hard to have a conversation from both sides and to ever move us once we have already decided our views.
Pisces: So Pisces, my deep dark lil Pisces friends. I love my Pisces friends, but sometimes my little dreamy air sign self is just like buck up! However, the conversations I can have with my Pisces friends is so different than I can have with any of my other friends. We can talk deep and dark without them being worried I am depressed. I am not depressed I just want to discuss the best ways to handle my affairs when I pass away, y'know? They won't think I am crazy when I tell them I think I might be a little Psychic. Love it.
Leo: LOL all the Leo's are going to think they are way too far down on my list. Look, I love a Leo. My favorite brother-in-law who I am very close to his a Leo, but GEEZ. Sometimes just so thoughtless. Drives me nuts. Love them at a party though. Especially if it's a party where they don't know a lot of people, you don't have to babysit them which is just fantastic.
Gemini: Honestly, I just don't know a lot of Gemini's so I couldn't place them very high on this list? Sorry guys. In theory I think I would get along with a Gemini, love a creative genius. But honestly just do not have any experience that I could think of.
Capricorn: So I like Capricorns, but I do struggle with the like nihilistic, existential views of all the Capricorns I have known well. Though, I do think Capricorns can be the funniest of the signs once they get going.
Scorpio: Honestly, again I don't have a lot of experience with Scorpio's but I think that is actually because of who we are as people. I am way too capricious to work that hard to get to know you the way that Scorpio's need. So that's why they are down here, never been burned by a Scorpio or anything and the ones I know don't scare me or anything like that.
Cancer: I know this is not a popularly low ranked sign, but geez louis. It's a lot of emotion and I just cannot hang. My family has a lot of cancer's in it and phew, it is just too much for me at time. They all think I am like some ice queen (I will take the Elsa vibes) but I just find myself having to distance myself because the emotions and crying over all sorts of stuff just drives me crazy. No shade, I know you are feeling your feelings and I am not going to hate you over it but as far as day to day it can be really hard for me to handle. Though, that may be from dealing with it from my Mom everyday in my childhood, ha.
Aries: Ok, Aries get put down here for all the reasons Leo is so low but amplified. Aries have made great baby sitters for folks in my family which is super cool (I am so awkward around kiddos so maybe I am just jealous baha) , but I have also seen Aries act really child like when they are like 45 and I just don't have the patience. Also some Aries chick tried to fight me over something very dumb so I am just basing this off of these crappy situations I have had.
Feel free to roast me in the comments if you are an Aries, haha. All in good fun- looking forward to yalls rankings. I just looked up my grandmothers sign (never thought to before) turns out she was a Scorpio. Literally the most influential and best relationship I ever had so this list would probably have changed. Shout out to those Scorpio women, getting it done! My grandmother was a freaking powerhouse magnetic and beautiful lady. If this mattered I would re-order my chart, but it's all fun and games anyway. Rank the zodiacs based on your own personal experience. Top 4 are my faves due to how little they care about petty things, despite how they appear. libra and pisces get alot of flack for being fake because we look like we are sensitive empaths, but we truly do not care about the world. Sagis and aquas are just straight up psychos and I love it. Number 5 to 10 are zodiacs that sometimes do things that hurt people, but never mean it menacingly. Kind hearts, especially capcricorns. Even tho Ive been heartbroken by them, but I understand now that because they feel so fragile, their defensive stances are harsh. Geminis and Scorpios on the other hand.... Biggest egos and most likely to take things too personally. Would get pissed off over things done on them THAT they have personally done to people. Not all. Maybe. But the ones I have met are like that...
Libra: I love a Libra- my husband is a Libra (though he is right on the Virgo cusp and he is the person that makes me believe in cusps, because goodness he has a lot of Virgo in him) so, I guess of course it is a favorite. Husband aside, I love a Libra. I like to have conversations from both sides of the coin and Libra's do this really well. Libra's I just can really enjoy and have a conversation with, bond with quickly. These are also the folks that you can run into twice a year and pick up like you just saw each other yesterday.
Taurus: This is my moon sign, so obviously I can relate to Taurus'. I am very much an air sign though, so I find Taurus' very centering and calming. Plus they have always been humble enough to know that I don't hate them just because I haven't text back in 3 months. I just got distracted designing book covers or trying to bake macarons.
Virgo: These are my favorite people to work with. I can handle any kind of blunt perfectionism so that doesn't bother me too much, but I really feel like the Virgo's in my life push me to be my best self and I just love that. I also like to think my generally Type B (ish) self helps them to chill a bit sometimes.
Sagittarius: I love a Sagittarius. Sure, they can be a bit MUCH sometimes. But they are the best people to argue with, without getting too heated in my experience. You can be blunt and tell them they are being an a-hole and go grab a coffee 5 min later. I really value that in a relationship and I appreciate their bluntness. As an Aquarius, otherwise known as the alien of zodiac lol, sometimes not having to decipher what people ACTUALLY mean vs what they are saying is very relaxing for me. I find you know where you stand with a Sag.
Aquarius: ME! The thing about us Aquarians, and I think most people feel this way about us, you either love us or you are thinking we are a little off. Maybe a bit of both. What can I say? I like how weird we can be. What I don't love about us, is that often times we get so bogged down and passionate in our views it can be hard to have a conversation from both sides and to ever move us once we have already decided our views.
Pisces: So Pisces, my deep dark lil Pisces friends. I love my Pisces friends, but sometimes my little dreamy air sign self is just like buck up! However, the conversations I can have with my Pisces friends is so different than I can have with any of my other friends. We can talk deep and dark without them being worried I am depressed. I am not depressed I just want to discuss the best ways to handle my affairs when I pass away, y'know? They won't think I am crazy when I tell them I think I might be a little Psychic. Love it.
Leo: LOL all the Leo's are going to think they are way too far down on my list. Look, I love a Leo. My favorite brother-in-law who I am very close to his a Leo, but GEEZ. Sometimes just so thoughtless. Drives me nuts. Love them at a party though. Especially if it's a party where they don't know a lot of people, you don't have to babysit them which is just fantastic.
Gemini: Honestly, I just don't know a lot of Gemini's so I couldn't place them very high on this list? Sorry guys. In theory I think I would get along with a Gemini, love a creative genius. But honestly just do not have any experience that I could think of.
Capricorn: So I like Capricorns, but I do struggle with the like nihilistic, existential views of all the Capricorns I have known well. Though, I do think Capricorns can be the funniest of the signs once they get going.
Scorpio: Honestly, again I don't have a lot of experience with Scorpio's but I think that is actually because of who we are as people. I am way too capricious to work that hard to get to know you the way that Scorpio's need. So that's why they are down here, never been burned by a Scorpio or anything and the ones I know don't scare me or anything like that.
Cancer: I know this is not a popularly low ranked sign, but geez louis. It's a lot of emotion and I just cannot hang. My family has a lot of cancer's in it and phew, it is just too much for me at time. They all think I am like some ice queen (I will take the Elsa vibes) but I just find myself having to distance myself because the emotions and crying over all sorts of stuff just drives me crazy. No shade, I know you are feeling your feelings and I am not going to hate you over it but as far as day to day it can be really hard for me to handle. Though, that may be from dealing with it from my Mom everyday in my childhood, ha.
Aries: Ok, Aries get put down here for all the reasons Leo is so low but amplified. Aries have made great baby sitters for folks in my family which is super cool (I am so awkward around kiddos so maybe I am just jealous baha) , but I have also seen Aries act really child like when they are like 45 and I just don't have the patience. Also some Aries chick tried to fight me over something very dumb so I am just basing this off of these crappy situations I have had.
Feel free to roast me in the comments if you are an Aries, haha. All in good fun- looking forward to yalls rankings. I just looked up my grandmothers sign (never thought to before) turns out she was a Scorpio. Literally the most influential and best relationship I ever had so this list would probably have changed. Shout out to those Scorpio women, getting it done! My grandmother was a freaking powerhouse magnetic and beautiful lady. If this mattered I would re-order my chart, but it's all fun and games anyway. Rank the zodiacs based on your own personal experience. Top 4 are my faves due to how little they care about petty things, despite how they appear. libra and pisces get alot of flack for being fake because we look like we are sensitive empaths, but we truly do not care about the world. Sagis and aquas are just straight up psychos and I love it. Number 5 to 10 are zodiacs that sometimes do things that hurt people, but never mean it menacingly. Kind hearts, especially capcricorns. Even tho Ive been heartbroken by them, but I understand now that because they feel so fragile, their defensive stances are harsh. Geminis and Scorpios on the other hand.... Biggest egos and most likely to take things too personally. Would get pissed off over things done on them THAT they have personally done to people. Not all. Maybe. But the ones I have met are like that...