Idea i just came up with for people who use weed for anxiety.
From this point forward i only smoke self rolled joints.
I find if its too readily available i get carried away and end up smoking it all the time to relax.
But this helps mitigate usage because you have to put the time in to roll it. There has to be purpose behind it to roll it. So you end up only doing it when you need too.
Its an art.
Take your time to make it perfect.
Appreciate it.
With puting enough focus into it, it takes the edge off of the anxiety.
Especially if your panicking.
Then you begin smoking with a slightly calmer mindset. Maybe put on some chill music to block out anything in the way of your vibe.
I find if its too readily available i get carried away and end up smoking it all the time to relax.
But this helps mitigate usage because you have to put the time in to roll it. There has to be purpose behind it to roll it. So you end up only doing it when you need too.
Its an art.
Take your time to make it perfect.
Appreciate it.
With puting enough focus into it, it takes the edge off of the anxiety.
Especially if your panicking.
Then you begin smoking with a slightly calmer mindset. Maybe put on some chill music to block out anything in the way of your vibe.