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And many cant even do that
@strongbow I do wonder from time to time where the children are while they spend all day on social media.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
Not all women... but okay, let's say many do. My guess is because men in their lives have not proven otherwise.
Nimbus · M
🍿 🍿
eyeno · M
I don't think all women believe that but, my EX did.
As a man I'm living proof and all the doubters were shamed at the outcome.
As a man I'm living proof and all the doubters were shamed at the outcome.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
They are highly misguided by some nonsensical theories.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
Why do men assume things about what women think?
Fertilization · 36-40, F
@turnedtostone Absolutely
Nebula · 41-45, F
We don't.
smiler2012 · 61-69
men can raise children it has being proved . but the point is far as child rearing goes the female race have that better expertise as compred to the male in this area [checkoutanytime]
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Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Huh? No.
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HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@RogueLoner that's also what women in my family did and they still worked their asses off. And I know because if you don't have your eyes open, thankfully there are numerous statistics on the gender gap on household chores and parenting.