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Die Einfachheit von Akzeptanz und Vertrauen. [I Value the Ability to Be Childlike]

A childlike identification with my ego would be so much more acceptable to me than my adult ego with its pain and affectation. Children are so much more trusting of their adult guides, and they lack the baggage of life that even as a twenty three years old woman I am heavily burdened by.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
That is the nature of change. Accepting change allows us to become more child like yet we all build from past experiences, which changes us to what we are.

A five year olds world is quite different from a ten year olds world.

Just as a 23 year olds world is different from a 46 year olds world.

And so change builds upon it's own changes. That as such becomes history.

Making the outlook of a five year olds from 500 years ago quite different from a five year olds outlook of today.

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