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FoolishLuna · 56-60, F
Love yourself and you will attract the right people and no matter what don’t live your life based on what other people think.
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
That is from low self esteem. You have to love yourself above all others before you can truly love anyone else.
I am not talking about a conceded unhealthy narcissism.
The same Agape Love (the greatest form of Love) that God has for us we need to then have for ourselves.
More people will like you, love you and follow you when they sense how much you love yourself because you are unique and very special to more people then you know.
Please get yesterday out of your mind and start fresh today with that Love ...OK?
I am not talking about a conceded unhealthy narcissism.
The same Agape Love (the greatest form of Love) that God has for us we need to then have for ourselves.
More people will like you, love you and follow you when they sense how much you love yourself because you are unique and very special to more people then you know.
Please get yesterday out of your mind and start fresh today with that Love ...OK?
Show tits.
They will follow.
They will follow.
WillaKissing · 56-60
Nothing at all, just be yourself and let those that want to know you, like you, and love you come along naturally in your life.
Begging buying and kissing Butt to get someone to like you is extremely toxic and it will destroy who you are as an individual.
Begging buying and kissing Butt to get someone to like you is extremely toxic and it will destroy who you are as an individual.
twiigss · M
Just gotta let it be. The older you get, the more you find out that it only really matters what you think. But don't let anyone else tell you how to live your life. And if people don't like you, then they don't like you, if they do they do.
SeaGlass · F
One shouldn't like someone who doesn't like them. It's a self-limiting problem, imo
dsrice10 · 56-60, M
Be yourself, if they don't like it it is there issue.
nazgul · 26-30, F
Be kind, but be thankful when people show you they don't like you. That time is better spent on people that appreciate your efforts.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Why worry about such a silly thing? Most of the accounts in here are fake anyways.
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@JamesBugman Not here
Holden · 26-30, M
I've gotten used to it, if I'm being honest. So I don't try anymore.
BuzzedLightyear · 61-69
you don't need anyone's approval
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@BuzzedLightyear i am just scared ppl i like might not like me when they see my flaws and start disliking me....
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Fresh start
funxxx707 · 51-55, M
I feel the same
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