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Many of the first people to unequivocally call out the NASA Moon landings as being a staged hoax were professional photographers.

When the official NASA photographs of "the Moon" are closely examined it is clear that many were taken inside a studio using repetitive backgrounds, artificial lighting, wires and cranes. Award-winning British photographer David Persey, photo-analyst/historian Jack White, photographer/Nexus magazine publisher Marcus Allen, and many others all put their professional reputations on the line to expose NASA's so-called photographic "evidence.

None of the Apollo missions brought any extra studio lighting with them on the Lunar Lander, so the Sun should be the only light source on "the Moon" and in all pictures taken there. In that case, the light should only come from one direction and all shadows should be cast in the opposite direction. However, in dozens of official NASA photos there are shadows being cast in up to 3 directions simultaneously, often at up to 90 degree angles, which can only be the result of multiple light sources not present on the Moon. Several pictures even show overhead spotlights reflecting in astronaut's helmets and multiple lens flares originating from two or more light sources.

Analyzing several images from the 6 missions shows repeated background features (the exact same hills, dunes, and craters) being used over and over again in supposedly different places on the Moon, as well as visible foreground and backdrop lines indicative of a studio set. In images from Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin can be seen wearing different color gloves and different length boots in pictures that were supposedly taken within minutes of each other. If Buzz was really in the vacuum of space in a pressurized spacesuit, he certainly would not have had the time or reason to de-pressurize and re-pressurize his suit just to make such fashion adjustments! Some pictures show the lunar rover with no tracks anywhere around it, others show rover tracks all over the foreground while it is yet to be unpacked and unloaded! A couple pictures even show what appear to be sneakers and a lady's heel tracks on the "Moon" in addition to the astronauts' boot prints!

Another glaring mistake is that none of NASA's images or videos show stars in the background as they should, just complete blackness, likely because exact star maps as they should appear from the Moon would be nearly impossible to fake. The testimony of different astronauts on different missions, in their autobiographies and interviews just muddies the waters even more, some of them bragging about the "astonishingly brilliant light of the stars" and others saying they "don't remember seeing a single star while on the Moon!" Such inconsistencies, and the fact that none of NASA's "Moon" pictures feature stars/planets in their appropriate positions, should raise a red flag that these astro-nots were not on the Moon.

Many pictures of the "Sun" on the Moon are clearly spotlights and not the Sun. Some images show studio lighting lens flares or studio lighting reflecting off a black background. One image clearly shows a shadow on the ceiling of "space" as the Lunar Lander lifts off. Many images show shadows of reticule crosshairs suspended in air over a print underneath proving them to be doctored and not originals as claimed. Images of the Lunar Lander supposedly on the Moon shows a pathetic 1969 attempt at creating "high-tech futuristic-looking" equipment using what appears to be construction paper, gold foil, scotch tape, and metal shower rods. The idea that the piece of junk shown in these official NASA photographs flew to the Moon and back is so ludicrous it's laughable. Close-ups of the Lundar Lander footpads show them without a speck of dust on them and without a burn print under it's 10,000 pound thrusters, like it was just gently set down in place. NASA scientists in their own documents were worried about the LEM falling into its own massive burn radius, yet there it sits with no burn print and spotless clean pads. Even the astronauts' boot prints made deep impressions on the "Moon dust" yet the Lander's 10,000 pound thrusters left not a trace, no blast hole, and no dust on the pads.

When the video evidence is examined, even more anomalies are found. In certain frames, light pings can be seen reflecting off overhead stage-wires attached to astronauts' backpacks. In one Apollo 16 clip an astronaut falls to his knees and is quickly jerked back up to his feet by what can only be an unseen wire hoisting him straight upwards. One of the more obvious video anomalies is how several Apollo missions show American flags flapping around in the non-existent space-wind. The "Moon" is supposed to have no atmosphere and so the flags should remain perfectly still but can often be seen moving quite boisterously. Another interesting video anomaly is discovered by playing NASA's "Moon" footage at 2X speed then watching the astronauts walking, running, jumping or cruising around on their little buggy. Without the speed adjustment there is a "low-gravity" illusion as the astronauts seem to float, drift, and glide slowly and smoothly along, but once they are seen at 2X speed it becomes clear that they are in "normal-gravity" walking, running, jumping and cruising at normal speeds! They simply reduced the play-speed by 50% in post-production and voila, instant "Moon" motion.

Not only is the Apollo video record fraught with fraud, but NASA claims the original Apollo 11 videos have conveniently disappeared from their records so no one can analyze them for authenticity! You heard correctly, they spent over $30 billion of American taxpayer money traveling to "the Moon," and then "lost" the video evidence! Those blurry, ghostly black and white images shown on TV were purposely lousy because NASA insisted at the time that all TV networks must broadcast directly from a big-screen display in their operations room, a mandate which all the major networks accepted, and so what the public saw was just a video of a poorly magnified video, and now it is impossible to watch the original! Not only have the Apollo 11 originals disappeared, but NASA claims to have lost all original audio tapes from the Apollo missions, and that their contractors have lost all prints/plans for the Lunar Rover, LEM Lander, and Apollo Ship Engines! It even recently came out that when curators at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum investigated their "Moon rock" personally given to them by Armstrong and Aldrin in 1969, they found that it was actually just a worthless piece of petrified wood from Earth!

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goliathtree · 56-60, M
Thank God you youngsters are on top of important research like this that affects all of us so deeply. Bless your work.
The moon landing was faked with CGI.

CGI in 1968

luckranger71 · 51-55, M
laotzu92 · M
@Captainjackass I think Elvis died that way
Wireman · 31-35, M
I also believed all the magic moments, untill I woke up!
Fairydust · F
Fairydust · F
Americans get shafted out of billions and still believe this BS lol 😂
MethDozer · M
You had a good Christian Home schooling didn't ya?
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