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61-69, M
chronically depressed
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as if you didnt already, friendly neighborhood simp!
Thank you so much!
That means a lot it's a pity the admins aren't as considerate as you
Keep on smiling ☺
Hope you like
You ARE enoughπŸ€—
And like a rainbow, you don't always shine boldly, but your light is softly there...always, in every moment...
...even when you allow yourself time to cry....its still there .
Dear man, please find some peace. You are good, kind, loving. Be sure to get some time just for you. It is vital when you are a caregiver. Take care. Light and love. Poe. ❀️
I wish you could feel better.
I hesitated to open. haha
That was sweet, thank you.
46-50, F
Thank you for the copper and the warrant....here's something for you!! πŸ˜‰πŸ’« But, I'll let ya out eventually!! 🀭
46-50, F
Happy Easter to you my dear friend!! πŸ€—πŸ£πŸ°
46-50, F
Thanks for listening to the music I post.....plus becoming a friend....here's a nice cup of java on me!! πŸ€—