@Ellen Great way to get your exercise in! What a great time you have! I see a lot of people jogging on the beach when I go, but I'm just laying there soaking up the sun rays, lol.
@FunTime Hardly ever is more like. Once every 5 years or so. Then for 4 or 5 days. Bad as traffic is on Saturday going home it is far worse Sunday. And it sucks to leave on a Saturday.
@Elandra77 Totally understand the traffic nightmares!!! I try to take off work during the week to go to avoid that. Fewer people during the week so it's easier to find a more secluded spot.
@FunTime No, it gets cold & even snows here....so I am generally tan only during the warmer months (though it may hang on for a little while, the tan will fade).
@jackson55 Yes, it's warm already. A tropical depression around the Yucatan that may bring a lot of rain this weekend. The water was actually blue for a few days due to the shift in the ocean waves. A wonderful change for the Gulf waters!
@jackson55 Well, Texas IS a big state! I've had friends that were going to come for a visit and they would want to visit all the cities in Texas. I would tell them "You're going to need to take more than a WEEK off then!" LOL
@Keepitsimple I hate that! People should appreciate and respect the privilege of using the beach and just clean up after themselves, if nothing else!! The tourist season is probably a nightmare for you!!
@FunTime They don’t....it’s really a shame that people take everything with them but their trash and are rude and careless that way. I used to get mad paying for beach badges but I’m so glad that these people have to pay now...somebody has to clean up after them.
That curbs some of that trashiness. Most places here you have to pay and no longer able to drive on the beach. A lot of people walk the beach and that's better. The exercise does us good!!!
@Khenpal1 The weather IS so hot these days! I have to drive to get to the beach so it's better when I can take a couple of days off during the week and rent a room on the beach. Less crowded and I'm right there first thing in the morning.