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I miss the ocean.

I miss walking to the ocean.
Not being able to see the ocean whenever i want, when i feel down is making me very depressed.
I just cried because when i'm in my worse moments, at my lowest point, staring at the ocean waves would bring me back to life.

To me walking to the sea felt like walking to a safe place, and when i would finally arrive, when i could see it from afar it felt like looking at a friend who was waiting to also spot me from afar.
When i would sit there it felt like my problems didn't matter, it also felt like i could do anything.
not even the oceans worse days could make me see ugliness.
Not through my eyes.
she can't be ugly
her waves are always beautiful, even in my dreams when i'm about to die in a tsunami.
I hope she kills me one day. It would be an honor.

I dream a lot about the ocean and water in general. The ocean is mostly all i paint.
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Teslin · M
I too miss living near the ocean. I once lived about 2 miles away and could hop on my bike anytime. Now only an hour away by car, so not to bad, but not the same.
Ablackbunny · 31-35, F
@Teslin You know what I'm talking about, bike or walk to the sea. It's so relaxing and fun :3
Teslin · M
@Ablackbunny Yes. Especially being there after the crowds leave.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Sounds like you need to spend your days living on a sailboat. I agree, I could spend all my days on/in the ocean. The only limitation is that I do not like to be cold.
Swimming naked is the best.
Ablackbunny · 31-35, F
@JamesBugman I've never swam naked, sounds like something everyone should try at least once.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@Ablackbunny Yes, it is super liberating to not have to think about your bathing suit anymore. Small beach in Maui is one of my favourites, the water is warm, lots of fish, and the waves are really fun.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M

Q: Would you prefer to live nearby lake, waterfall or sea?
and why is that?
The sea!

Ever walked for miles a long the seashore?

Ever nestled your toes in soft wet sand?

Ever feel the waves around you surging and retreating while you wade in the water?

Ever thrust your legs against the tide?

Ever dived deep under the waves, just to see a sandshark?

Ever picked shells along the shore?

Ever look into a tide pool just to see what lives there?

Ever feel the sea breeze lifting and wave your hair?

Ever breathed in deep the ocean air?

Ever come close to the sea and just know ... you are almost there?

These and more are why! 😔

Ablackbunny · 31-35, F
You should travel. I live not far from the ocean of the beach but actually haven't been there since a long time.
Ablackbunny · 31-35, F
@littlepuppywantanewlife I've been thinking of becoming a traveling artist. lol such a hippie dream.
@Ablackbunny Nice. Even I want to travel. Would like to make Travel vlogs someday 😅
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
I grew up in the desert but I wan to go live on a sail boat. I'm trying to get my boat ready to go to sea. Hopefully I'll be able to get the money to go and forget all this. On the sea is freedom from all the insanity.
Ablackbunny · 31-35, F
@HobNoblin I agree the sea is freedom.
Rambler · 61-69, M
Is that where you grew up ? The forest is that place for me, because I grew up in the woods.
Ablackbunny · 31-35, F
@Rambler I half grew up near the ocean. I was born in a coastal town, lived near the mountains for a while, then back to the ocean in my early teens :3

The forest sounds like a fun place, adult or child doesn't matter. A bit spooky too.
Rambler · 61-69, M
@Ablackbunny A bit spooky, yes sometimes, but you quietly let yourself become one of the creatures within it :)
I wouldn't be happy living somewhere where the ocean is inaccessible. It would be like a part of myself is inaccessible.
I miss it too 🙁
Convivial · 26-30, F
Midnight .... On the waters
I saw ... The ocean's daughter

Walking on the waves she came...
GLITTER · 36-40, F
This is why I could never move away from it
Northerner · 70-79, M
You can look at my ocean we live right beside it.
Ablackbunny · 31-35, F
@Northerner It's beautiful, looks fake. Nature can look too perfect sometimes.
Northerner · 70-79, M
@Ablackbunny We see lots of wonderful cloud formations over the Island of Hoy just across the water from us.
caccoon · 36-40
The ocean is quite something

I miss it too
I miss my Beloved Oregon coast as well :(
candycane · 36-40, F

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