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I adore both making my partner (someone I care for) feel all the pleasure i can give then nd them doing that for me!
rachelsj · 22-25, F
@GivetheDevilHerDue totally agree
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
It's curious but not surprising how varied the opinions are on oral.
Some or most seem to refuse to give or get it. Some are open to giving and getting but they serm to be unicorns.
Some women prefer just to give it a bit but are too self conscious to receive it.
And then there like you that are those that love getting it but refuse to give it.
Some people like to give and some prefer just to take.
For others maybe its a sense of power or fear of being taken advantage of, poor body image, or maybe it just says something about the state of the relationship or the physical traits of the individuals involved. If they have a bad attitude, smell bad, taste bad, are too hairy, unwashed, the nerves are not there, or there are painful memories, it's not going to be any fun.
The one thing to consider is that if one person wants it enough, they will likely look for it elsewhere or become very frustrated. You then need to decide if it's a deal breaker or not. Are you open to the relationship failing over this issue? In some socities there are other outlets but they are expensive and come with risk. You may be able to work out a deal or conditions that will overcome your or their aversion to it. For better or worse, oral communication is required.
Some or most seem to refuse to give or get it. Some are open to giving and getting but they serm to be unicorns.
Some women prefer just to give it a bit but are too self conscious to receive it.
And then there like you that are those that love getting it but refuse to give it.
Some people like to give and some prefer just to take.
For others maybe its a sense of power or fear of being taken advantage of, poor body image, or maybe it just says something about the state of the relationship or the physical traits of the individuals involved. If they have a bad attitude, smell bad, taste bad, are too hairy, unwashed, the nerves are not there, or there are painful memories, it's not going to be any fun.
The one thing to consider is that if one person wants it enough, they will likely look for it elsewhere or become very frustrated. You then need to decide if it's a deal breaker or not. Are you open to the relationship failing over this issue? In some socities there are other outlets but they are expensive and come with risk. You may be able to work out a deal or conditions that will overcome your or their aversion to it. For better or worse, oral communication is required.
Childnomore · F
I like doing it! it is just soo intimate!
CuriousCouple25 · 51-55, C
@Childnomore Whats your favorite act in it?
Benjr134 · M
@Childnomore it’s a lot of fun to give. Almost as fun to receive.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
@Childnomore to both guys and girls?
dumasme · 51-55, M
sounds like you've found the right lovers... I LOVE to give oral, nothing turns me on like a woman pulling my hair, mashing my face into her wetness and clasping her thighs tight around my head...
As for receiving, i can take it or leave it...
As for receiving, i can take it or leave it...
Hoodski · 36-40, M
Love giving and receiving
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Why not?
CuriousCouple25 · 51-55, C
I got Oral from my Exs mom!! Nice!!!
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
@CuriousCouple25 sounds like fun money one time
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
Giving a lady oral is better than receiving it, imho. Done correctly, she will never be the same.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I seriously find that hard to believe.
swirlie · F
😲... OH my GOD! Am I THAT transparent and predictable?!!!
😲... OH my GOD! Am I THAT transparent and predictable?!!!
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@swirlie I believe you are a woman of the world. ;) Even if you don't post about sex non-stop Lol
swirlie · F
Well, just for the record, I always have been the curious type and I'll try anything once at a slow beach party. Just sayin'... 🙎🏼♀
Well, just for the record, I always have been the curious type and I'll try anything once at a slow beach party. Just sayin'... 🙎🏼♀
Teslin · M
I love giving to women.
SJones48 · 41-45, M
That’s never happened to me
pdockal · 56-60, M
Why not ?????
Well it's your lucky day. I'll be over in an hour.
BrandNewMan · M
Try being more giving
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
dang. sounds like you need practice. i have this friend.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
That's weird
swirlie · F
Brilliant post. Thanks for showing up.
Brilliant post. Thanks for showing up.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
@swirlie yw
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I've given and received oral with men and with women.
Wolffy · 56-60, M
Luv it 🤩
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
Oh my virgin ears
swirlie · F
Oh, stfu! 🙄
Oh, stfu! 🙄
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
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swirlie · F
Why haven't you given oral yet?
Skinnygingesarah · 36-40, F
@swirlie absolutely. Dumped one guy who didnt agree. Thankfully all others still gave me oral
swirlie · F
That's very good! Sometimes receiving oral is all we're really interested in and sometimes giving oral is all we really want to do. Everyone is different in their desires but the most important thing is to be true to yourself at all times!
That's very good! Sometimes receiving oral is all we're really interested in and sometimes giving oral is all we really want to do. Everyone is different in their desires but the most important thing is to be true to yourself at all times!
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