Happy Endings... Birdie
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Many years ago there was a gym nearby where I lived that put up an ad: "Help Wanted - Sports Massage - Will Train". Needing a job, I applied and went to a ninety minute training session on how to massage sore and tired muscles and I studied the training manual very well. On the first day of the job, I was nervous about remembering the techniques and doing a good job.
One of my clients on my first day didn't seem to be very interested in the massage but almost immediately asked if I would finish up with a 'local' like Gina, my predecessor, did. I told him that I wasn't familiar with the term 'local' and he explained that Gina would give many of her clients a hand-job at the end of the massage session and she was well tipped for the service.
I wasn't sure what to do. I had mixed feelings about giving 'locals'. On the one hand, I liked most of my clients (especially the polite older gentlemen) and wanted to please them and giving them a hand-job seemed like no big deal really. On the other hand, I didn't want to feel like a paid sex worker for younger men who had wives or girlfriends. So I decided that I would only provide 'locals' to the older gentlemen without partners if they asked me nicely and wouldn't blab about it. Also, I insisted that they didn't increase their tips for the additional service.
Actually, I became close friends with many of these lonely older gentlemen and we enjoyed friendly chats as I sensually stroked their penises until they ejaculated. I even found a special warming massage oil that hardened their erections and increased their erotic pleasure.
It's very odd, I had that summer job at the gym many years ago, while I was in college, and yet I still have very vivid memories of my nude gentleman clients, their erect penises and their gratitude for me giving them some attention and sensual pleasure. I'm glad that I wouldn't let them tip me extra for pleasuring them.
I remember one widowed gentleman who couldn't relax enough, with me stroking him, and he lost his erection before ejaculating. He was very sweet and asked me if I would show him my breasts for an extra $20. Of course, I wouldn't take any extra money. I removed my top and my bra and then chatted topless with him for a while before rubbing a little more warming oil onto his steadily growing and strengthening penis.
Before long, his erection was very firm and he was taking great delight in his sensual penile topless massage during which I unhurriedly brought him to a very joyful and a very powerful release. He was very grateful and from then on his penis would stiffen nicely as soon as I started to remove my top and my bra for his topless 'local' massage.
There was another very interesting senior gentleman client who also very much enjoyed having a 'local' at the end of his massage session. However, he usually just wanted me to hold his manhood and gently rub the shaft and head of his penis with the warming oil. He preferred the firm but gentle rubs because most often he wasn't at all interested in ejaculating. Something about maintaining a healthy level of masculine energy. I think he may have been onto something. He was a very healthy and ruggedly handsome senior gentleman who always had a very firm and quite responsive erection that was a joy to hold and a joy to behold. On the rare occasions when he did want to ejaculate, he was quite a gusher.
Of all the hard-ons I handled that summer, his stands out the most in my memory. His was the only erection that I fantasized about mounting and being impaled by. I was tired of boyfriends who quickly came just as I was beginning to feel aroused and then their limp dicks would too soon abandon my awakening palace of pleasure. I often thought about the way that he relaxed and savored his penis massage without the need to ejaculate.
I fantasized about uniting with him in a long slow deep and deliberate unhurried coupling. I would picture him and I relaxed and enjoying the blissful sensations of his rigid penis being deep within my warm wet and welcoming womanhood as he pleasured me until we were both sufficiently sexually sated.
I'm sure some of these very lonely gentlemen enjoyed the attentive conversation almost as much as their penile pleasuring. They often had stories about their younger lives that they wanted to share with me as I was tenderly coaxing their cocks to cum.
I certainly made some great senior gentleman friends that summer who greatly appreciated me slowly but surely coaxing them to ejaculate. I'm so glad that I refused to accept any additional tips. That gave the 'local' massage a very warm, friendly and personal touch as I conversed with them while patiently pleasuring their pulsating penises.
I grew to love some of those lonely older gentlemen in a very special way. They were like grandfathers to me. When my final check was mailed to me, there was an additional check from a collection they had taken up for my school expenses. It was way more than enough to pay for two semesters of books. They loved me too. Like a granddaughter.😊
Now, many years later, I'm certain that all of these senior gentlemen friends have long passed. I remember how protective they were of me. They all made sure that none of the younger men, who would have harassed me, ever found out about the 'locals' that they were receiving. I know that this sounds strange but sometimes I think that some of these long passed gentlemen are somehow still with me - guiding and protecting me.
I once had a strange dream about one of these deceased gentlemen. He was giving me some kind of warning. Shortly thereafter, I ended an unhealthy relationship with a man who was becoming verbally abusive. He could go from calm to very angry much too quickly.
The visitation dream was very real. I could see his face so very clearly and I knew that he was delivering me a warning. I immediately thought of my verbally abusive boyfriend. After the dream, I became afraid of him. The dream helped me to leave him even though I didn't want to hurt him. I'm pretty sure that he was stalking me for a while but I felt protected by my senior gentlemen spirit allies. 🙏❤ 🙏