Happy Endings... BirdieMany years ago there was a gym nearby where I lived that put up an ad: "Help Wanted - Sports Massage - Will Train". Needing a job, I applied and went to a ninety minute training session on how to massage sore and tired muscles and I studied the... See More ยป (1)
Finally have some privacyWe've had relatives staying with us for more than a month, in my office, which doubles as our guest room, so I have been mostly cut off from surfing for porn. I feel like I'm too old to go back to jerking off in the shower, but a guy's gotta do,... See More ยป
Getting High/Getting OffIt's Saturday night and I'm high as a kite Viewing nude male pics on x-rated sites Probing in my ass with multiple fingers And this edible cannabis high....still lingers. -Dragon
Workplace Masturbation Poll (54) See Poll OptionsHello everyone. What are your thoughts on the topic? And do any of you ever / have ever masturbate at work while on break?