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I may be on the Naughty list

Only not for something fun or forbidden 💕😊🥺
I had to use a men's bathroom in a Dunkin' today. I've only done it one other time in my life! 😯I went quick and felt so on edge...but no one came thank God!

I was ready to go right outside the door, and the teens in the women's room were just laughing and taking sooo long.
Santa, please go easy on the coal🎅😩
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
I don't think Santa will be too concerned about that.
GovanDUNNY · M
Were you excited at the thought of getting caught
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@GovanDUNNY I might be for the right guy lol but not for getting caught in a men's bathroom!!
GovanDUNNY · M
@Coralmist You took a big risk Michelle imagine what might have happened if a male had seen you .
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lol This makes me think of Thailand.

I remember there was this one place I went to and males and females shared the same public bathroom????!!

But I just went in, did my stuff and acted normal.

Maybe we actually don't need separate rooms for genders.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Jimbo7 Not exactly lol😦
Jimbo7 · M
@Coralmist what is your fantasy misty?
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Jimbo7 It's pretty sad literally just feel I'm worth love, to truly feel that, and have a loving relationship.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I often use the ladies' room when the men's is in use, but only if it is a single with a door lock. Every Dunkin I have ever been in had singles.

I remember to put the seat back down!

Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
You’re ok!!! I had to use the Men’s room one night. I was at a nightclub and had to pee so badly but there was a huge lineup for the women’s room. Either I used the men’s or peed my pants in the women’s lineup. There were several men in there but I just did my business and left quickly
gandalf1957 · 61-69, M
@Jenny1234 used a urinal then in the main area not a cubicle?
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twiigss · M
I Remember I was at a funeral home one time as a kid for one of my relatives that had passed away, and I needed to use the restroom and I just went in and used the restroom, and it was men's and women's doors I think, kind of across from each other, and the men's door was on the left the women's was on the right but I thought typically men's is on the right women's is on the left, well anyway I went in came back out and I looked over to my right and I see women so I didn't even know I was in the women's room lol.

I guess no one saw, but I was like ohhhh man LOL.
GovanDUNNY · M
@twiigssOf course we "believe you" .....not
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Santa forgives you.

I did the same thing (by mistake) in third grade at a new school on the first day of classes.
Fortunately, no one saw me, and there were no lumps of coal in my Christmas stockings. 🤭
Santino34 · 36-40, M
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Do you know that in some cities here women can legally use the men's room.

Mostly because of overcrowding. Yet I have seen it happen.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@DeWayfarer in some places it’s illegal? I had no idea
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Jenny1234 It was a state law here that opened it up to individual cities. One city I was in let individual businesses make the determination. And I actually heard the woman get banned from Walmart. She was in the stall right next to me.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Yea, I am. Like Adam Randell Young. That's why Allah picked me.
@nobodyishome you're so funny I swear, you're either a comedic genius or a crazy person
OMG i maaaaybe have done that too!
when you gotta go, you gotta go. LOL
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
when you gotta go, you gotta go. LOL

This Repub proves your statement =
Watch: Tennessee GOP lawmaker appears to urinate on himself during DUI field sobriety test
gandalf1957 · 61-69, M
were you in a cubicle???
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
They have bathrooms in those places? And gender-specific? How many people have a bath in there?
Jimbo7 · M
I think you secretly wanted to be caught going by your other post ,you are a naughty kinky dirty girly ,nothing wrong with that though

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