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Is female sexuality supposed to end after a certain age?

I seen an article about some actress from the 80’s making an onlyfans, and she’s like 51 now. Most comments are along the lines of “20/30 years too late.”

Which makes no sense… are women expected to just shrivel up and die after 30? Jesus Christ.
MissD10 · F
No always have power if you kmow how to use it.
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
Amen @MissD10
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
I didn’t shrivel up after I turned 30! My boobs seem to travel south tho hehehe
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Look at SW and you know the haters, they're prejudging a thriving market
Shytoshow · 56-60, M
Find women get sexier as they age my opinion Sexy isSexy period
Barny52 · 56-60, M
The menopause is the age, but it can be worked around
ThroughMyEyes · 61-69, M
I would totally agree but we live in a world where people think they are the right way of thinking and has to be their way or you are the bad one. You have to push that away and just be you. @MorbidCynic
caccoon · 36-40
I'm gonna be fucking until I'm dead.
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
@caccoon ❤️ This
@caccoon You go girl!!!
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leeloh · F
Of course not.

As long as there is a mind, sexuality is present and can be activated.
Shytoshow · 56-60, M
Great question personally I think sexuality is timeless
Serendipitymaybe · 51-55, M
In my expereince it ends for females around 50.
RedBaron · M
@Serendipitymaybe You obviously have little experience.
ThroughMyEyes · 61-69, M
Every person is different and our body’s and minds work differently. So what good for one is not for another. In my opinion
@ThroughMyEyes what’s the connection here?
ThroughMyEyes · 61-69, M
Some will enjoy sex into their 80 and 90 and some check out after 20 so it will always very. Again my opinion @MorbidCynic
@ThroughMyEyes my issue are people who talk down to women after they reach a certain age. It’s disrespectful. As if we should be non-sexual at that age.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Noooo, there's definitely no sell-by date as far as I can see.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
After you die, maybe...
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