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The concept of Only Fans is somewhat sureal. Imagine sponsoring someone’s ego trip.

And with all that free porn out there….
Frostcloud · F
i like onlyfans. i know the people posting are consenting and want to post

people have had their rape posted to free porn sites and have to beg for years to have it removed with no one willing to remove it
It's not sponsoring an ego trip, it's paying for a service. Is it sponsoring an ego trip when you pay someone to fix your car?
@Castenmas So the difference is that the service on Only Fans is entertainment. So anyone in the entertainment business is just being paid so they can have an ego trip?
Castenmas · M
@BohemianBabe No. you’re over simplifying for arguments sake.

Just pay your monthly subscription and go in peace if your conscience can handle it.
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its like living at Daytona Beach and then paying for sand. LOL
Castenmas · M
@Castenmas Way way too much free stuff out there. and even that takes a back seat to the real thing.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I suppose their egos are so overblown that they think they are so special men will pay to see pictures of them in the same poses ad nauseum .
There are some very surprising ppl there.

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