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This is far deeper than Biden’s debate failure.

The whole wide world has been shaken awake to the reality that the vast Democrat world participated in the Hunter laptop lie. Collusion between the CIA, the DOJ, the media, entire Democrat world insisting that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian plant. How can Democrats, the Democrat media, any part of that government within a government ever be trusted or believed again ?
4meAndyou · F
It's disgusting. I am sickened by their lies, but this is not new to me. I've known they were lying for quite a long time.

It's sad that the Democrat/Socialist/Marxists have to be slapped in the face with the truth to wake up to it, but I sincerely doubt that their morals will improve because they've been caught.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

I agree that they'll work hard to keep Biden off the front page, and focus on how terrible Trump is, but still, editorials like this certainly can't help the Democrats unless the editorials do in fact help them dump Biden.

And if Biden stays on the ticket, what will they do after the second debate on Sept 10? They can't expect Biden to do much better (and possibly worse, if his cognitive decline worsens in the meantime), unless they allow him to have notes and/or a teleprompter to read from.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Thinkerbell Their goal is to replace Biden with another Democrat, not to pick Trump over Biden. The last Republican that the NYT endorsed was Eisenhower in 1956.. that was 68 years ago.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Oh, the NYT certainly wants a Democrat. It's just that they have lost confidence that Biden is that Democrat.

If they still had confidence in Biden, they would be making excuses for him.

The best excuse I've heard from a liberal about Biden's poor debate performance is, "He had a cold, and the cough medicine he took for it kept him from being sharp." 🤭
Hillary's emails and server
Russia collusion
Joe's quid pro quo with Ukraine
Trump's phone call to Ukraine
George Floyd riots
2020 election fraud

I know I've missed some
@BizSuitStacy May 29 is a direct contradiction to Jan 6
The whole wide world has been shaken awake to the reality that the vast Democrat world participated in the Hunter laptop lie.
Ah but has it really? No. It hasn't.
@Illyria just another example of how the privatized internet manages us.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
NATO doesn't need popular support. The USA dominated the world for a century and never needed popular support. It's no more extreme now.
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Oster1 · M
@Vin53 Man, you really know how work a room and attract others, like a magnet.

Surely, you are a Dale Carnegie graduate! 🙄
Vin53 · M
@Oster1 A wise man once said "Show me magnets and a glass of water and I'll pour the water over the magnets and there will be no more magnets."
Oster1 · M
@Vin53 The same magnetic force, is still in effect, even though water is nonmagnetic. So, what?
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