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More rumors that Biden will not be nominated at the DNC convention. Any thoughts?

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Northwest · M
He stands no chance of being the nominee. Not after the truth comes out. Specifically that some poor lady was eaten by sharks, because Biden forced a South Dakota boat manufacturer to switch from gas engines, to electric.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Northwest It has been said that electrocution is preferable to being eaten by a shark. I think it was some mental patient who escaped.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Northwest ok I'll bite, what's the Biden connection to someone being eaten by a shark?
Northwest · M
@Starcrossed [media=]
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
I feel pretty sure Biden will be the Dems nominee. I will gladly vote for Biden. President Biden has many important successes in his time as President. To name a few:

-Taken urgently needed action on campaign finance reform with the DISCLOSE Act.
-Bipartisan infrastructure law, rebuilding the nation's infrastructure.
-Record low unemployment.
-Renewable energy is now the no. 2 source of energy in the U.S. and climbing.
-Protected 13 million acres of Alaskan land from oil-gas drilling.
-Taken every step he can to enact sane gun control laws.

Biden isn't perfect, but he has accomplished many important policy objectives. I will be glad to vote for him in 2024.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@IM5688 As I said, the SC determined that Biden could not be charged based on the merits of the case. It had nothing to do with the SC's partisan editorializing. They didn't need Biden to testify against himself. Do you really believe that?

The situations with Biden and Trump are not comparable in any way. And the documents at Mar-a-Lago (and other locations) were not secured. Trump even showed them to people without security clearance, boasting about their contents.
@IM5688 They claim BinBiden is too incompetent to stand trial for the documents, YET is functional enough to remain POTUS 🙄
Yes. Biden has as much chance of being dropped by the Dems as Trump has of being dropped by the GOP.
Write this down and take it to the bank..
Kamala will be gifted a Cali senate seat to quietly go away.
And the dems are gunna slip in Newscum and Hillary.
But only after Biden is officially the nom.

The dems want to tell dem voters who the reps going to be.. not let the voters run to RFK..

Bank on it 🍿
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I hope so 😎
Adrift · 61-69, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Interesting, I was thinking why it was we haven't been hearing too much from ole kamel toe and how they were going to work gruesome into the mix.
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
I hope and pray for Kamala Harris to be the nominee.
Wiseacre · F
@ChadJNSD yes..
The "rumors" are started and spread by Republicans.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
I think there's a strong possibility that the most memorable thing about the upcoming DNC is not going to be what happens inside the venue.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Patriot96 Absolutely, which is why it will never happen. And if it did, it would be manipulated. That's the way things are handled these days. You can't trust a word or the actions of anyone.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@carpediem same test they give race horses
@Patriot96 Newsom
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
We will not be voting for Biden or Trump come November. This is just another government side show. 🇺🇲
Rumors from the Right? No surprise.
They got until the 21st..
after that the only way is the 25th amendment..
and you need 3/4 of both houses..
Why would the repubs vote..
it’s better for them if Bidens the nom..

I think Biden will drown in the YUGELY copious abundant evidence of voter fraud!!!

@ElwoodBlues Someone help, he's going to be eaten by a shark!
Joe brought about his own ouster from the political scene from the day he took to running for 2020. It has come back to haunt him.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@soar2newhighs He served a successful term as President and is ranked in the top third of all presidents. How has your presidency gone?
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I’m of the opinion that the Democrats are basically right now subtly telling Joe that his run is over.
There is talk of Michelle being nominated, but she has no political background. Who knows?
Perhaps Gavin
There are utterings of Pete Buttegeig. ( Doubtful)
But as for Biden, I’d be very surprised if he is the nominee
@IM5688 That’s the key…California under his governorship has become a questionable state to reside in for many reasons.
Don’t be deceived about Michelle. It would mean another term for Barak.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@soar2newhighs Well, Barrack has already screwed up his next term by being Biden's puppet master. It's Obama that is working Biden's puppet strings.
Obama even stated in an interview that he would not like to be potus again, but if he could run things from behind the scenes, he wouldn't mind that. And that's exactly what he is doing with Biden as his figure head.
@IM5688 Wrong, they picked BinBiden to be Barack's handler, to make sure he toed the line, that's how I knew Obama was bought and paid for, specially after he said "yessir" to the bankers when he tried to slough off the 2008 bailout talks, held just conveniently AFTER the 2008 election, it was BinBiden who ordered him to attend them.
Klingwood · 61-69, M
I doubt they will get him out of the running
Klingwood · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 no she won't! And ots going to only help trump I think
@Klingwood That's the hope
Klingwood · 61-69, M
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
They're gonna have to. He's not going to make it to November.
Madmonk · M
It’s all kabuki theater. Trump is in on it too. They are itching for the end. World war 3.
lesulk · 31-35, M
This would be disgraceful 😣 Joe deserves better
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@lesulk fjb deserves to be on a locked dementia unit
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@allygator18 Huh, my money was on Vespasian!
Namor69 · 41-45, M
Turned out to be more than just rumors aye 🤡🌏
fun4us2b · M
Just a rumor - at this point that's a sure way yo lose...
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Not sure it matters at all
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Ever see the movie DAVE?
If he drops out of the race that’s one thing; but he is currently the presumptive nominee of his party given the 3000+ votes he got. He’d be foolish to throw that away.
@SW-User Fair enough but there is a process as to the division and doling out of those votes. I am not sure but if he were to drop out, I believe the party’s nominee would pick them up.
@soar2newhighs As long as it's done quickly and efficiently, and preferably with a mini-primary so that there are no divisions.
@SW-User I’m guessing if he does not step out, there will be chaos within the party. And I think some aspirants for the Oval Office may be putting their eggs in a basket that could be damaged and the eggs cracked!
windinhishair · 61-69, M
it is a laughable rumor, unless something happens between now and then, but it is amazing how many Trump Cultists have gone down the rat hole and believe it.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@windinhishair you ant be that gullible. Fjb wont make it past the convention even if he somehow survives the debates
@Patriot96 l”Somehow survives the debates”? The only thing he could do to further cement his dominance over Trump would be to ur*nate all over Trump’s wingtips, though given Trump’s previous history with that substance, he might not be put off.
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Bang5luts · M
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@Patriot96 He is the “presumptive”nominee based on the votes given to him which go beyond 3000. The decision to stay or go from the nomination process is his call.
That said if this headline is accurate, it would seem he is not stepping out of the nomination process.
[image/video deleted]
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
...GOD help the World, if the 'Laughing Donkey' goes for it ... i'm guessing that the real Puppet Masters may step in due to 80% of America being 'Red' ... then the usual Democrat corrupt apparatus will swing into action ...

... so BLM/Antifa riots: voting rigging etc etc
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
@BohemianBabe ... aw, is your pea brain having a meltdown
@BigGuy2 Why do you think about me so much? GAWD!
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M

🤔 ... oh right, so RESPONDING to your comments to ME, is ME being obsessed with YOU, rather than me just responding to your comments ... 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


... get back in the basement
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
It has gone a bit to far. They have to run Biden. Of course I don't honestly believe Biden is running things now though either. 🤷‍♂️
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They'll keep BinBiden, put in a new Veep, most likely Newsom, then Article 25 his ass on January 21, 2025, presuming he'll win that is.

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