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If Trump was to become the next US President, would be abuse his position and try to quash his legal convictions?

Could he use something like an executive order to 'pardon himself' and expunge his convictions?

As we know he is the quintessential 'post turtle'. 8-)
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Presidential pardon of state crimes hasn't been tested by federal courts.

But with the current crop of rogue justices on SCOTUS, you never now.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
But I bet that would change if Ginny Thomas were charged for her role in January 6th.

Not ... gonna... happen.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@beckyromero But you know you wish it would….

jackjjackson · 61-69, M
You’re a partisan hack. Years ago you had the promise of being a thinking person. @beckyromero
He can't. The 34 felonies he was just convicted of are state felonies. Not federal. A president cannot pardon state crime convictions.

Second he cannot pardon convictions he has not been convicted of yet. So by stalling hi federal felony trials off until after November he screws himself. If he is tried AFTER he leaves office....if he should the time he leaves office he has lost his power to pardon himself.

If he does not win and is then tried for all three of his federal felony trails...........he won't be able to pardon himself because he is not in office to do it.

The more his pocket judges stall off his prosecutions until after November...the more they screw trump, If he wins the prosecution waits 4 years...then tries him. If he loses he gets tried immediately and he has no pardon power because he's not president. Federal felonies have no statute of he's screwed eventually either way.
Noreaster · F
Of course he would. Isn't that what he always does!
Trump explaining why candidates under felony investigation shouldn't be running:

“We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said at the rally. “It would grind government to a halt.”
“If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government,” he said. “She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.”
“She has no right to be running, you know that,”
-- Donald Trump, Nov 3 2016, North Carolina rally

Ontheroad · M
Of course he would try, but if I remember correctly, he (the sitting president) can only pardon federal crimes, and his trial and guilty verdict all happened at the state level.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@Ontheroad 34 Felonies are Federal Crimes. You need to research better.
Ontheroad · M
@dakotaviper like I said, if I remember correctly.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@dakotaviper You are wrong—felonies may be federal or state level. These were tried under NY state law.

In fact, the DOJ had the choice to prosecute this case and passed on it. Thus disproving yet another Convicted Felon tRump lie that this case was by President Biden’s DOJ.

Al Bragg is a NY State DA. Do your own research before you falsely ridicule others of your own mistake.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Appeals with non biased judge will overturn all these law fare attacks. No need to pardon himself. But…..if he wins and that is a very strong possibility, there is going to be hell to pay for the commies (democrats). And I’ll be cheering it on like so many of you left wing hacks are cheering these attempts at taking him out of the political race. What is really happening is an attempt to deny the right to vote to half of the nation. And that’s going backfire
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@carpediem LOL! You are delusional at best!

1. Judge Merchan was infinitely fair and unbiased. He even objected for the defense multiple times when tRump’s attorneys failed to raise an objection for their client.

2. Putin & KJU are only two of the Communist world leaders that tRump is colluding with to destroy America. If anyone really is a communist, it’s not the Democrats.

3. tRump is the one who tried to disenfranchise voters. Those cases are coming soon. GA will be next.

4. tRump will never be able to pardon himself of these convictions.

5. Put yourself in Recovery from the brainwashing you have fallen for.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@snofan Exactly. Some posters are just repeating the ludicrous ranting of a now CONVICTED FELON who was too cowardly to take the stand in his own defense but had his lawyers throw his own sons under the bus for no reason!
Slade · 56-60, M

Went to its profile and the first post is "I was in a mental hospital" 😂
Yes, I expect Trump would do exactly that, and then he would use every means at hand to punish those who had sought to bring him to justice. The word 'retribution' is common in his speeches.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues To be fair, though, it’s hard to single out one single word in that word salad he spews…
He can't. The felonies he as just found guilty of were state charges so he cannot pardon them. He thinks he's is being smart by making sure he is not tried in any federal felonies until after the election. That being the case the trials will be postponed until after he wins and if he is found guilty then it is too late to pardon himself. Or he won't win and then then has to face federal cases with no power at all and he can't pardon those either. Either way...putting the two trials off that will put him in prison only pushes down the road when he goes.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
The whole concept of “self pardoning” arouse with now convicted 45 because of his disaster of a single term.

Could one such as him actually legally win the highest office in our country?

I absolutely don’t see him winning another election and given all the shenanigans of the other GQP elected officials and lack of any accomplishments by them, I believe a massive Blue Wave is coming. Then expansion of the SCOTUS and term limits.

It will take such for our country to survive.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
I really don't think so. He would be nothing like the Clinton's or OBiden's
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
Regardless of whether the convictions are state or federal, if Trump moves to quash any of them should be again elevated to the Big Chair it will destroy his reputation as a businessman with any level of integrity except amongst most of the corporate elite who are all criminals.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@butterflybaby75 I seriously doubt that anyone, anywhere truly believes he has even the smallest scrap of integrity!
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Of course lol
Not allowed
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
The 34 charges he was found guilty of by a jury of his peers. These are New York State felonies. Federal law has no authority over state criminal violations, although the MAGAs are trying to change that. They’ll fail of course.

I am not certain about NY law, but perhaps the governor can pardon , but not the POTUS.

EVEN BETTER: Georgia State felonies cannot be pardoned even by the governor. Best to get him convicted there, too. And the Georgia case is stronger than the NY one was.
jehova · 31-35, M
Hed try but its setup such that i doubt hed be able to.
BigBulge · 41-45, M
If he was reelected, all he would have to do is to name a new Attorney General, and have him throw out all the cases that are presently working their way through our legal system. Trump would be free and clear from all the charges against him.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@BigBulge Not state charges. And several states are close to issuing indictments for interference in their 2020 elections. Look at the status of all the state electors cases.
Guardian · 56-60, M
Can birds swim? Can fish fly?
snofan · M
Of course he will. Zero doubt there.
He won’t support endless wars
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
@dakotaviper The Big Lie - proven to be false beyond any reasonable doubt in multiple courts.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@butterflybaby75 60+ cases, all thrown out of court or lost!
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Do Bears defecate in the woods???😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran Lets not be too harsh. He is a useful "tool" to seperate the Americans who should be allowed to handle adult cutlery from those who should eat with a plastic spoon..😷
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman You give him more credit than he’s entitled to…
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran Maybe. But until Trump Supporters are forced to have a big "L" branded into their foreheads, it is nice to have a simple way to tell them from real people..😷
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Panamared · 70-79, M
if elected he will pardon himself
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Panamared Won’t be elected legally. If he illegally does get into office again, he can’t pardon state convictions.
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KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M

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