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Do Democrats want a World War 3?

I believe many Democrats in office would rather have WW3, than a successful Trump presidency.

A successful Trump presidency is by far the scariest thing for Democrats. A pandemic, would be
preferable to the left, over a successful 4 years of Trump.

A successful Trump presidency would solidify the idea that private citizens can do a better job
than lifetime politicians.
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ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Define a successful Trump presidency, please.

In my mind, a successful Trump presidency successfully audits government programs to discover and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse as he promised. In my mind a successful Trump presidency strengthens US positions both at home and abroad, as he claims to care about. In my mind, a successful Trump presidency helps rebuild trust in our institutions.

Those are all good things. He isn't doing any of that, but they would be good if he did.

The things Trump is actually doing threatens long term damage to the US that makes war and disease more likely. A war or pandemic vs. Trump succeeding in what he is actually doing is more a question of timelines than outcome. Is it better to rip the bandage off now? I'm not sure.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Hard to argue they are not. They seem to be doing everything they can to make an enemy of Putin. But it's not just democrats. Many republicans are following their lead. Their heads are spinning and insides are burning with rage as Trump tackles issue after issue with lighting speed and decisive actions.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i honestly shake my head over how they are fighting dirty over DOGE. and people believe their politicians who are stealing us blind. that in itself should make them change parties
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
NOW you’re getting it.
You nailed it. The left is terrified of Trump because it means the end of their grifts, and prison time. WWIII would resume the grift, consuming resources and focusing all attention away from their criminal activity.
If, God forbid a third World war breaks out, we’re done! End of story because no one will survive. Those who outlive the blasts will succumb to their effects.
War would be a nice distraction from
Uranium one
Spygate… etc

War would make all that go away… forever
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
@ShenaniganFoodie coffee first mofo’s 🤘
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M

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