No. I think they can push Russia out. If you surrender the land to Russia, they will learn that all they have to do is invade another country and NATO will give up land to save money. It will embolden Putin. It is in NATO, and Americans interest to reduce the sphere of Russian influence in Europe.
@DogMan No, I think the "they" intended in that Jimbo post is clearly the people of Ukraine. I don't believe JS is referring to the USA.
Speaking of the people of Ukraine, I see no concern being expressed for the ones who would come under the Putin regime. No thought for them, by the folks who advocate giving up 'their' land?
@ffony From what I have read, most people in the Donbas region WANT to be part of Russia. But I really don't know those fact, as I do not go there, or talk to anyone there.
I have a friend at my gym that is from Belarus, and has family in the Ukraine, I will ask his opinion next time I see him. Probably better than listening to the talking heads.
Should have never gotten involved in Ukraine to begin with. Starting with senators Obama and Lugar initiative to begin "upgrading" biolabs in 2005, to the regime change initiated in 2014 (Obama administration) leading to civil war in the east. Zelenskyy has cancelled elections and operates as a dictator. Ukraine will likely have to cede territory, give up bioweapons development, and restore free elections. Likely will have to pay back the US in rare minerals.
Dunno, would you give up, say, Texas willingly to the Mexicans if it meant peace? How about New York or Florida to the Canadians. For, like, peace an' all....?
@DogMan I doubt most Ukranians are siding with Russia (unless you mean in those specific areas already taken that contain Russian speaking Ukrainians). But it appears Putin wants even more Ukranian land as part of a peace deal, plus he wants the power to dictate how close Ukraine's relationship with the EU is (and a veto on them joining NATO). In effect, Putin wants to rule Ukraine from Moscow. I understand the situation Ukraine is in, but I doubt Americans would be willing to give up an inch of US territory to a foreign power, irrelevant of the circumstances. I've read enough posts from you guys that convince me of that. I think the fact Trump seems to be discussing Ukraine's future with Putin whilst excluding them from the conversation is getting up Zelensky's nose.
The Ukrainians were having trouble in the eastern part of the country with ethnic russians for years before this started. Give them a little land, they're better off without them.
@Thewhazzupdude No, Putin won't rush things. He's knows that in a few weeks American voters would notice and it would look bad for Trump. A few years and voters will have forgotten, Trump will either be gone or on his way out. Putin will move on Ukraine, or some other country that borders Russia. And we'll be back debating whether supporting that country is worth it. Maybe he'll make a grab for Alaska?
@DogMan sure. War is terrible. Ultimately, russia invaded a sovereign nation, violating the treaty they signed in 1997. And sure, everyone involved should have a voice. The loudest and most compelling voice, that of the nation struggling to maintain their freedom. Putin has been accused of being a war criminal. Trump is ignoring that. The only concession russia should get is being able to withdraw without troops being killed in their retreat.
@Carla I doubt there is any such thing as 'what the Ukrainians want'. They've been a mixture of Russian & Ukrainian speakers (among others) for a long time. Putin is simply trying to gain territory by using the potential for cultural conflict to 'divide & conquer'.
I think the throwing together of Russians & Ukrainians in a single new country dates back to the 1916 (?) "Peace Conference". It's a while since I read about that but I'm certain the decisions were dictated by the 'big three' - Lloyd George, Wilson, Clemenceau (and maybe Orlando) - without input from any of the populations involved.
@Zonuss It would be nice if it ends, but unless it ends with Putin at least losing face he'll be back for more, which is shy he doesn't want Ukraine to be part of NATO as that puts it out of his reach.
@22Michelle The unbelieveable situation occurs that Trump wants to leave Nato, and betrays the alliance on the way out with the statement that Ukrain is not allowed in. US need to keep their big mouths shut.
All the stuff the US gives to Ukraine has to be replaced, which keeps the military industrial complex going. A great number of people that funded his campaign like that.
He offered Russia the occupied land, and Ukrain is forbidden to join NATO. That is offered by a crook who wants to leave NATO, and betrays the alliance on the way out.
@uikakarotuevegeta Putin threating with nuclear arm as soon as a case of milk is spilled in the supermarket. Trump gave him the leverage by not even negotiating, but just give away his position
@Thewhazzupdude Putin never stops threatening the use of nuclear strikes, but it hasn't happened. He knows that's the fast way to have Russian destroyed. And I very much doubt his military would obey the order. It's much easier and cheaper to get his pet to betray Ukraine.
@emmayoung Trump is the first POTUS that CAN'T be bought. All others ARE! Trump and Musk are not doing this for money, like Obama and Biden. There is nothing they can't already buy.
But....AOC is now a multi-millionaire. How did that happen?
@emmayoung Yeah right, the richest man in the world needs money. 🤣 Our government wastes trillions of dollars, why do you condone that? Is that how you live? spend spend spend and run up your debt until you file chapter 11? Admit it, as a Lib, you already have at least one bankruptcy under your belt, right?