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Good Luck America - You’re going to need it.

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LadyGrace · 70-79
We have never needed luck. And it's never been about luck. It's been about God and the prayers of the American people who are tired of the last administration trying to rule and control our lives. We needed God and he has had mercy on the United States of America and that's why he miraculously saved Donald Trump from the assassination attempt. He is giving America a second chance. Now we have a real leader who is going to save this country. America is going to be great again, thanks to God and Donald Trump!
sree251 · 41-45, M
Now we have a real leader who is going to save this country. America is going to be great again, thanks to God and Donald Trump!

And thanks to you for seeing the truth.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@sree251 Only God can help us see the truth.

I once was lost in sin
But now I am found.
Was spiritually blind,
But now I see.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Only God can help us see the truth.

Why can't the woke see?
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
Don't you worry... everything is going to be alright now. The United states of America will have smart and powerful people to make America great again! So don't worry... be happy!
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
We’re cooked. But we deserve it honestly 🤷🏻‍♀
Thrust · 56-60, M

Speak for yourself
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
@Thrust I did. And we do.
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wackidywack · 26-30
Massive yikes
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
After the 2019 UK election, I fealt like this. I campaigned for Labour in that one too.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Luke has nothing to do with it. We are blessed by God to have him back in the precedent.
Aysel · F
They will be fine.
Thrust · 56-60, M
Slicker24 · 26-30
Get over it. He won. That means the majority of people had to have the liked him. So that makes me think you are just a crybaby. I didn't vote for him so don't think I am a big supporter of his.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Get over it. He won. That means the majority of people had to have the liked him. So that makes me think you are just a crybaby. I didn't vote for him so don't think I am a big supporter of his.

You see objectively because you are not driven by hate.
Slicker24 · 26-30
@sree251 You are the one that is driven by hate. I can see right now that you didn't read the part where I told you "I didn't vote for him." I am not a big MAGA supporter, that he could shoot somebody point blank in the chest and I would be yelling "FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS."

All I am saying is. It's over with, deal with it. Christ, this is far far worse than the January 6, 2021 incident.
sree251 · 41-45, M
You are the one that is driven by hate. I can see right now that you didn't read the part where I told you "I didn't vote for him." I am not a big MAGA supporter, that he could shoot somebody point blank in the chest and I would be yelling "FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS."

All I am saying is. It's over with, deal with it. Christ, this is far far worse than the January 6, 2021 incident.

We are not talking to each other. We are talking AT each other. This is often the case in written conversation on the internet. You are still jumping on me even though I acknowledge that you are being objective (meaning being accurate and reasonable in making comment). Of course, we have to deal with it no matter which way the election ended up.

You didn't vote for him, and neither did a lot of people on both sides of the political divide not counting those too busy with their lives to care about politics in Washington. After all, there is nothing much we can do even though US politicians are playing nuclear war poker with our lives. Do you understand what I am saying?
PeterF15 · 13-15, M
He will make it great again I guess!
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Already has it a whole term opposed by house kooks, a rusky colluder they said a phone blackmailed they said January 6 mounted on horseback swinging a sword like st george the insurrectionist they said he kept standing knocked over at Marilago by FBI cretins from the spy vs spy prop department, charged of crimes of asking whats going on with the suitcases low votes observers not allowed the plumbing needs the windows blacked out with cardboard. Sup. Stands back up. nyc and doj by the power of grayskull combined, forthyeleven convictions of paying his lawyer and hooker, stands back up. They try to jfk him and miss but graze his ear. He gets back up and pumps a fight the power fist.
He goes for a nine hole and someone finds out he's there somehow and he just keeps doing the energizer bunny thing.

That ain't luck. That's American will. Most of us got that it's what luck is made outa.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
hope for the best
prepare for the worst

This is how people like you react when a strong boss comes in, coz he knows how to get things done.

You should worry about your dying country.
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Thrust · 56-60, M
Speak for your own declining country yob
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Thrust [quote] Speak for your own declining country yob [/quote

She is a woman. You know how they are.
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tenente · 100+, M
America is resilient, strong and prosperous no matter who is president. not the outcome i wanted, but i'm optomistic about our future

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