Globalization: The Misery of the Middle Class Ensured
Ensured destruction of the middle class. Thank you Bill Clinton, Obama, and W. Collective apology to H. Ross Perot.
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Note that they are admitting that Trump was right all along about everything, but cling to Never-Trumpism and even insult him for being right by calling him a "protectionist demagogue." --- Jealous much?
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Paul Krugman and other mainstream trade experts are now admitting that they were wrong about globalization: It hurt American workers far more than they thought it would. Did America’s free market economists help put a protectionist demagogue in the White House?
Note that they are admitting that Trump was right all along about everything, but cling to Never-Trumpism and even insult him for being right by calling him a "protectionist demagogue." --- Jealous much?