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What would they do if the EU and Russia formed a union behind their back?

What would the hegemonic bully do?
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@jshm2 nobody knows. And why would anyone think they'd dare try for peace? Nah.
Cierzo · M
Maybe the hegemonic bully would destroy gas pipes 🤔
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
I wouldnt be surprised,if the EU thought there was profit in it.
@wonkywinky they did. Americans blew up the pipeline.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@Roundandroundwego Good.Stop the dumb EU paying shitface for his gas.They would still be buying it.
@wonkywinky whatever! Nobody can stop the brutality of the great global hegemon.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
We get it. You think Russia is the good guys. We all fucking get it.
@LordShadowfire exactly. Everyone knows you can't tell Americans anything and they'll remain on the lethal path they've written for themselves. No negotiation with a sadistic suicidal murderer! He's hegemonic and ready to end it all.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
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