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Now that America have lost the war in Ukraine, They are going to start another war with Iran, America like to have a war don’t they

HobNoblin · 36-40, M
The global banks and corporations that run America do. America isn't even a real country, hasn't been for a while. We're trying to fix that.
jehova · 31-35, M
Its the only way to force continuous growth. Always producing always destroying always innovating always overproducing always waste, to be 'cleaning up'\rebranding into the next product (always to maximize profit). It creates jobs and also frees up new ones. Its why 'capitalism' needs limits. And generationally its well past time for change.
Ive been called 'ageist'; but ww2 sentinment(s) of industrial growth, family structure, and social heirarchy development (dubbed the 'nuclear family') attempts to circumvent true means of economic competetion in the name of any one goup (usually a racial/heredtary perspective) in preferance to the "nation-state".
Thus nationalism results in pride and the need for primacy over others. Invent a conflict to create a reason to continue to compete. Otherwise why keep innovating unless its to one up your enemies (oops i mean "competetion").
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@jehova This isn't done by nations. It's done by international interests. They want to destroy the nation state in fact. That's why all the talk about nationalism being somehow bad. Get rid of the babkers and international corporate heads and this goes away.
jehova · 31-35, M
@HobNoblin okay im seeing it as competeting against the nation state. The nation is the corporation. America declares bankruptcy to weasle out of its military debts. ? Reorganizes (rebrands) as the United States of North America (USA North).
jehova · 31-35, M
@HobNoblin USA (No. 1)
The population doesn't get to vote on that, war is unstoppable.
jefferson · M
@Roundandroundwego war in afghan took 18 years and usa lost, ukriane war is only 2 years
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ididntknow · 51-55, M
@jefferson Another one that believes the propaganda, you and people like you, are what keep America where it is,
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