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In WWII Japan bombed Pearl Harbour bringing America into the war.... America later firebombed Tokyo.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo .. about 100,000 died.. America was able to establish a naval blockade that stopped food deliveries to Japan and starved the entire nation nearly into submission but starved them none the less..... To end the war two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki eventually killing close to 300,000 Japanese.. I read a LOT of history and context and I don't recall anyone from America feeling the least pity or regret at the measures taken to obtain the surrender of Japan with one condition that the emperor could remain emperor accepted by President Harry Truman... civilians were subjected to firebombing, starvation, nuclear weapons... they were ALL the enemy as far as everyone was concerned...
So why tell me when facing extreme barbarity.. loosing proportionately more than 20 times the population that America lost in the attacks on Pearl Harbour.. is Israel being harassed under a double standard to not only cease fire - but to actually entertain discussions on allowing a state to be created of miscreants and evil doers on Israels territory..? Why and we know the answer - is Israel being subjected to a double standard the likes that NO nation has EVER been held to ? Its called anti semitism, Jew hatred only because we are Jews and worse because we can now defend ourselves and the world does not seem to like a Jew who can fight back.... Israel has the ABSOLUTE right to defend itself and to shed itself permanently of the scourge of Hamas and terrorism, of the threat that Iran and its proxies represent.. and capitulation / appeasement .. as history teaches us is NOT ... an option.. DESTRUCTION and ELIMINATION of the enemy - a sworn enemy of the Jewish People is the ONLY OPTION..
I support the State of Israel, its inhabitants, Jews EVERYWHERE and I make ZERO apologies for this.. I don't care if they riot on Campuses -the few trying to convince the many.. to support the unsupportable... I am very grateful that the criminals ... are being arrested...
Jews you see require an additional character attribute.. A stiff backbone.. KNOWING what is morally correct and why we are acting - we were attacked and we warned ALL enemies that never again.. means exactly what it says.. There is a REASON Israel is at WAR.. and there is a reason we must FINISH this war and achieve ALL our objectives.. We can not fight eighty percent of a fire - we have to extinguish it..
So LIKE no one felt sorrow or pity for Japanese civilians who were killed in the prosecution of the war to achieve the surrender of the Japanese - Israel must continue to prosecute this war until Hamas has been defeated and Gaza has been SUBJUGATED and occupied just as Japan was... There is NO double standard the very same rules apply..
Bombing of Tokyo - Wikipedia
Bombing of Tokyo - Wikipedia
The Bombing of Tokyo (東京大空襲, Tōkyōdaikūshū) was a series of bombing air raids launched by t
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Ynotisay · M
A few things. One big difference is that over 100,000 Americans were killed at the hands of the Japanese in WW2. And those bombs, as unimaginably horrific as they were, ostensibly ended the war. And ultimately saved lives which is a strange thing but true. So maybe Americans had a little more skin in the game at the time.

Israel is targeting and killing innocent civilians under the guise of eliminating Hamas. That's a fact.

Terrorism can't be eliminated through force. It only creates more terrorism. That's true as well.

Antisemitism is about religion. Not a government. HUGE difference. There's a lot of Israeli Jews protesting their government right now. Are they antisemitic? That word is being thrown out there as a deflective smoke screen. Like it has throughout Israel's history. If you don't agree with the government you're an antisemite. I'm not buying it.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@pdqsailor1 Point of Order..Japan actually declared war on America after the Pearl Harbour attack. And Germany also obligingly declared war on America..😷
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman FDR and congress declared war on Japan the following day.. Nazi Germany then declared war on America... .
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@pdqsailor1 Sorry. While you are correct in your statement, as far at it goes, The Japanese formal declaration was delivered to Washington 2 hours after the bombing. The story being delays in translation, but how true that is I cant attest. Here is your source..
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
War is horrible beyond description. And at its core it is a way of enforcing political power, which used to be simple. Our army beat your army on the field of battle and we won. But by the time of the American civil war it was realised that attcking the civilian population and its supply machine enabled a side to weaken the ability of the enemy forces to fight..Starve an army and reduce its supply of weapons and you win..
Only since the Nuclear age, the major players have the ability to turn "the enemy" territory into a blackened glass ashtray and remove the threat, leaving only a PR problem..😷
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@NerdyPotato My point about civilian casualties was very simple.. History shows us America had zero problem doing this to the tune of well over a million civilian Japanese before they finally surrendered.. so DEMANDING a cease fire, decrying MODERATE, regrettable ... civilian deaths... given this history is a double standard that is unsupportable.. Do as I say not as I do? WTF? No one demanded that a cease fire be placed on the USA.. no one protested world wide on university campuses against America aggression against Japan... When you examine the historical facts vs the current comments... frankly the objections are themselves objectionable. Remember that Hamas could have prevented ANY civilian casualties by surrendering and releasing the hostages.. they chose NOT to do so..
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Ynotisay I suppose by your equal standards Harry S Truman was a war criminal as well?

I have a couple of words for you and they are not happy birthday.. I think ... YOU are done here..
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
General Eisenhower was opposed to using the atomic bombs on Japan. But he was overruled.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@badminton it was Truman’s decision
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Patriot96 They in fact allowed their own citizens to starve without considering surrender..

Japan was killing about a quarter million people per day across the pacific

Hmmmm... Here's a graphic of losses in the Second World War, in millions, per front per year.

Let's take the average amount:

Asia & Pacific theater:
(0.44 M deaths/yr) * 6 yr = 2.64 M deaths

Manchuria, Sakhalin theater:
(0.01 M deaths/yr) * 1 yr = 0.01 M deaths

2nd Sino-Japanese War during WWII:
(1.82 M deaths/yr) * 7 yr = 12.74 M deaths

Total = 15.39 M deaths

If you look at the 7 years of WWII, that would be

(12.74 M deaths)/(7 yr * 365.25 d/yr)
= 4.983 × 10^(-3) M deaths/day
= 4,983 deaths/day

Though the last year of the war is higher in casualties, it isn't 100 times higher. So I don't see how one can get to 500,000 deaths/day.

And if you weren't counting Chinese and Russian deaths in land battles, the numbers plummet.
There is indeed a strong analogy with WWII here 👀
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@NerdyPotato No they are being killed as they are used by terrorists to shield them.. Said terrorists setting up terror tunnels under hospitals, under schools in residential neighbourhoods, in Mosques - fully imbedded in civilian neighbourhoods..

Jews were rounded up and systematically slaughtered for being Jews as farm animals led to the slaughter..

SIX million Jews - seventy percent of all Jews in Europe were murdered.. and YOU have the VILE CHUTZPAH to compare this to the minor level of civilian deaths in Gaza.. Remember that the VAST majority of the toll IF true (reported by the terrorists only) have been repugnant militants who have been eradicated as the vermin they are..

KNOW ... that Israel has the ABSOLUTE right to protect its citizens and to hunt down those that wish to do harm to them.. like the VERMIN they are.. I support them fully in this endeavour.. If you decry civilian deaths then blame Hamas only.. they had the option to surrender and release the hostages and they recklessly declined to protect the civilians they govern..

Also know that I have a very limited capacity to tolerate idiocy...
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@Patriot96 You should have paid attention to the reporting around the 50th anniversary of the bombings.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@SomeMichGuy ptay tell what would i have learned
@Patriot96 Lol

Go look it up. It was enlightening, but you don't believe anything others say.

You even made assumptions about my family, etc., being in the war. smh
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Patriot96 no the very point was they fully deserved what they got and so does Hamas and their supporters.

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