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War is Evil...a furry rant

Lifted from Quora ( from a response to a question about Russia complaining about the help being given to Ukraine)but my thoughts exactly-...
War is evil.

Whether it’s Iraq or Ukraine or Ethiopia or Yemen or any of the other conflicts happening in the world right now.

If you’re going to start a war you better have a bloody good reason to do so - and if you start one for questionable reasons like “Ukraine isn’t a real country” or “NATO might put nuclear weapons in Ukraine one day” and your first reaction is to complain that the other side are too well armed?

Well I have two words for you - and they rhyme with duck and ewe.
Now me..
I stand by my assertion that all the death and destruction involved in a war is wrong.
That all human life lost in a war is wrong.
This does not mean I wish Russia to succeed in Ukraine( which I have been accused of).
But even in war -and even if you are the side being attacked- you should never be comfortable with having to kill or be killed.Or with all the destruction around you.
And I will never change my view on that.
I fully expect to be criticised for posting this.
This is SW!
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
I agree that all war is evil.

But sometimes we are faced with choices between evils.

And Putin's war of aggression is clearly and by far the greater evil in this case.
@Thinkerbell yes ..and it should never have been allowed to happen.
But that is another argument.
Britain was a party to the same security guarantee as Russia.
I don't consider proving weapons AFTER allowing the invasion to be Britain keeping it's side of the bargain,
Stopping it happening ..that is providing security.
But I'm not going into what I think should have happened here.
I just wish Russia would make that mistake that would see NATO ending the war in days.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Honko Saving Ukraine...? From being a functioning, habitable country with working towns and utilities, perhaps?

Saving the Ukrainians and Russians alike from understanding and tolerance; and from something (paedophilia) of which you accuse the former merely from sheer hatred of the whole lot of them?

Errr, not a Kremlin employee or one of Patriach Kiril's publicists, are you?

Though I suppose if you are, you'd know Russia does have hot Summers as well as long cold Winters. Still, I'm sure you'll be happy there.. Just remember to take your hat and gloves.
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Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Hail Putin indeed... 🙄

bookerdana · M
It is a perfectly ridiculous way to settle human disputes.....and is likely to continue☹️
@bookerdana sadly.
Ontheroad · M
So, let me try to understand what you wrote.

"I stand by my assertion that all the death and destruction involved in a war is wrong." So, Russia invaded/attacked Ukraine killing Ukrainians and destroying their country. This is wrong, and I agree. However, what you are saying is that when the people of Ukraine fought back and killed Russian invaders and destroyed their equipment, that is also wrong. Is that what you are saying? If so, I would ask you what you would do if I attacked you with the intent of killing you, would you fight back or simply say I won't defend myself because to do so would be wrong?

Now if you are saying the attacked shouldn't be comfortable with the defense they mount, then I guess I understand that, but I also think you have never had to defend your own life or defend your country in war. Nobody is comfortable in having to kill, not even if they are being attacked, but when defending, being comfortable in doing so isn't exactly a main concern.
Wouldn't it be lovely if, instead of deploying tanks and missiles to take others' stuff, we asked to be taught how to earn our own stuff?
Freeranger · M
Furry.....evil will forever be, what occurs when good men/women stand by and do nothing.

You'd have to have had yer bleddy head in the sand NOT to see that post HITLER, Vlad Putin is his incarnation, bent on returning Russia to a world in which, the largesse of it's former glory is restored. He see's himself as a form of Peter the Great. That insanity, which needs to occur, is curtailed when he is removed or eliminated. Period. Cut the head off the snake.
Biblically auld son, Matthew 24:6-7

As a free man on the other side of the travesty occuring, you are allowed to chart your own course. Chart wisely auld boy.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
I don't see anything to criticize. I'm sure Ukraine is "uncomfortable" with having to kill or be killed.
@daydeeo I don't see eye to eye with someone on SW who just doesn't get my hatred of war and or my concern about the deaths on both sides.
War is money.
And WE all let them do it over and over….. and over
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
ATripToNowhere · 46-50, M
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val70 · 51-55
@ninalanyon Where's your argument for pulling out of Afghanistan gone then? Or was the war of terror not even "a police action"?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@val70 What argument for pulling out of Afghanistan? I never made any such argument. I merely pointed out that politics on the 'home front' are generally what determines whether a government has the will to continue attempts to change the way another country works rather than whether it would objectively be better for the world if they continued.
val70 · 51-55
@ninalanyon Yes, it's the general accepted policy "your". Nothing personal. The Biden government looks hypocritical to me, and I'm far off being a Trumpista. Policy needs to be discussed like Vietnam was. Was it right there to just war, war with Ho Chi Mingh. No. I'm making the case that for one hundred the cost of war, war in Ukraine Afghanistan could have been kept in some stability. Now it's turning into a hell hole for women yet again. That's the legacy for the Biden aministration

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