Heartlander · 80-89, M
I kind of expect similar resistance in the US. Also a possible taxpayers' revolt, which may be one of the reasons behind legislation to hire 80K+ more IRS employees.
As I recall, some celebrities refused to pay all of their income taxes during the Vietnam war, a percentage based on the amount funding the military. I don't recall the IRS doing anything about that except ignoring it.
As I recall, some celebrities refused to pay all of their income taxes during the Vietnam war, a percentage based on the amount funding the military. I don't recall the IRS doing anything about that except ignoring it.
NerdyPotato · M
Getting your gas and electricity cut off is a sure way to lower the costs, but calling the supplier that you're no longer interested in remaining connected to the grid would be faster.
@NerdyPotato That's what I was thinking would they not just cut the power off if you don't pay? I'm hearing that it's illegal for them to do that in the colder months but I'm not sure. Also I've heard where there are pre paid meters which I'm assuming if someone didn't pay their bill they would just switch them to one of those types of meters.

I don’t trust it.
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Isthisit · F
I have a good friend who is in Ireland who just told me their power bill just went up by 50%.
Punches · 46-50, F
Energy price has not gone up (yet) here. I do not know but someone told me in the UK it has gone up like double or something?
How much has it actually and what is causing it?
How much has it actually and what is causing it?
@Punches I've heard it's doubled or tripled for certain people. For the reason..the short answer I guess is the war in Ukraine but I've read other sources that say that that isn't really the issue there are a lot of issues that the war as just exacerbated that would have eventually caused an energy collapse on it's own.
ShellSeeker · F
Yeah I’ve heard if it. Courts are already planning how they’re going to process so many financial warrants against people.
They’ll get their money. Plus court fees. Smart move 😐
They’ll get their money. Plus court fees. Smart move 😐
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Hadn’t heard but the bills are getting ridiculous.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
Just today I was hearing a promise of a recession next month. Might be a bad time to make a stink. Or it might be a good time to reduce expenses