ArishMell · 70-79, M
Interesting question...
First though the USA did not "move whites out of Europe".
What became the USA and modern Southern American nations were created long before by adventurers and colonists from several European countries who moved themselves and took over the land - and never mind the residents.
They did so for various reasons though: escaping poverty or religious persecution, for republican desires or "new life" wishes, to exploit the place commercially (helped by the slave trade). Initially some, particularly including the Spanish and British, took the territories as extensions to their native countries - the desire to create new nations themselves came later.
If though, the USA is crumbling as you suggest, it's anyone guess what it will become.
I don't think it will collapse but it might change significantly. Any secessionist feelings among its regions might raise their heads but I don't see them being popular, let alone succeeding. I think it will stay the USA but become diminished.
Much more likely, in my view, is that the People's Republic of China will overtake from the second to the world's most powerful nation; her aim, helped by a strategic advantage the United States of America and all the other "Western" nations lack by nature.
The PCR is a single-party dictatorship run by people who are effectively caretakers for the time being of a continuum designed for self-preservation in a very rigid way. Though all stable governments are caretakers of their own nations, the Chinese system does not need worry about the effect of frequent multi-party elections, so can plan years, possibly decades, ahead. Its government is very ruthless and cruel, brooking no dissent or individual liberty, but is also clever, well-organised, calculating and patient.
So if now more apple-crumble than apple-pie, the United States of America would still be that but far less significant in world affairs.
First though the USA did not "move whites out of Europe".
What became the USA and modern Southern American nations were created long before by adventurers and colonists from several European countries who moved themselves and took over the land - and never mind the residents.
They did so for various reasons though: escaping poverty or religious persecution, for republican desires or "new life" wishes, to exploit the place commercially (helped by the slave trade). Initially some, particularly including the Spanish and British, took the territories as extensions to their native countries - the desire to create new nations themselves came later.
If though, the USA is crumbling as you suggest, it's anyone guess what it will become.
I don't think it will collapse but it might change significantly. Any secessionist feelings among its regions might raise their heads but I don't see them being popular, let alone succeeding. I think it will stay the USA but become diminished.
Much more likely, in my view, is that the People's Republic of China will overtake from the second to the world's most powerful nation; her aim, helped by a strategic advantage the United States of America and all the other "Western" nations lack by nature.
The PCR is a single-party dictatorship run by people who are effectively caretakers for the time being of a continuum designed for self-preservation in a very rigid way. Though all stable governments are caretakers of their own nations, the Chinese system does not need worry about the effect of frequent multi-party elections, so can plan years, possibly decades, ahead. Its government is very ruthless and cruel, brooking no dissent or individual liberty, but is also clever, well-organised, calculating and patient.
So if now more apple-crumble than apple-pie, the United States of America would still be that but far less significant in world affairs.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@ArishMell true, a coalition of elites and the USA removed the whites! It's not a problem for you so you found a reason to not care! Whatever. And the whole white bunch agreed to lie about everything so, yup! All good cuz you can do more ethnic cleansing, right?
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Roundandroundwego I have no idea what you mean by the USA "removed the whites", and that I do not care. Do you? Anyway, "removed" from where to where?
If you are indigneous then I can understand your bitterness, but your allegation is complete rhubarb.
The people the settlers of what later became Canada and the USA "removed" anywhere were the continent's true residents, and the Africans taken across the Atlantic as slaves. If you mean that, then of course I agree it was totally wrong.
You don't say that though. You claim the USA and some unknown "coalition" evicted the "whites" from somewhere. Which is tosh!
Neither Canada and the USA even existed until quite a long time after the colonists started arriving on the land they imagined Europeans had "discovered". They claimed the lands for their empires but later chose to create their own, new nations..
Although there were a lot of those settlers, and later waves of emigrants from European nations including the Irish escaping famine and Jews escaping Hitler, they still numbered small fractions of their home nation's populations.
Europe as whole, many nations from Portugal to Finland, Greece to Greenland, is still predominently "white" as I think you hope, and so is the USA. No-one has been doing any ethnic cleansing against white people!.
Anyway why would it be good I can do more ethnic cleansing as you pretend I can? (I can't and wouldn't, of course.)
At least my country was the first to realise it had been totally immoral to trade slaves, and so abolished the trade. It makes "modern slavery" a very serious criminal offence.
If you are indigneous then I can understand your bitterness, but your allegation is complete rhubarb.
The people the settlers of what later became Canada and the USA "removed" anywhere were the continent's true residents, and the Africans taken across the Atlantic as slaves. If you mean that, then of course I agree it was totally wrong.
You don't say that though. You claim the USA and some unknown "coalition" evicted the "whites" from somewhere. Which is tosh!
Neither Canada and the USA even existed until quite a long time after the colonists started arriving on the land they imagined Europeans had "discovered". They claimed the lands for their empires but later chose to create their own, new nations..
Although there were a lot of those settlers, and later waves of emigrants from European nations including the Irish escaping famine and Jews escaping Hitler, they still numbered small fractions of their home nation's populations.
Europe as whole, many nations from Portugal to Finland, Greece to Greenland, is still predominently "white" as I think you hope, and so is the USA. No-one has been doing any ethnic cleansing against white people!.
Anyway why would it be good I can do more ethnic cleansing as you pretend I can? (I can't and wouldn't, of course.)
At least my country was the first to realise it had been totally immoral to trade slaves, and so abolished the trade. It makes "modern slavery" a very serious criminal offence.
Briggett · T
Rumors has the records at the ATF is the next stop on musk’s list;to gain access to your personal information. What treasure hunt that going to be. Most have been sitting on the hands, but this could be the case we’ve waited for.
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Arnoldjrmmer · 56-60, M
@LeopoldBloom nobody will go along with confiscation. The left couldnt do it even at the height of power. The ATF is prohibited from keeping any sort of registry by law. no doubt they have lied and have one - especially with the changes to 4473s that make photographing them easier, several someones should be serving prison terms. I am in favor of auditing the ATF to show it then disbanding them entirely. They shoot way more dogs than actual criminals.
Confiscation is silly anyway. Give me a weekend and a trip to the hardware store and I could build a passible submachine gun. Even easier is some sort of crude zip gun that could be used to get a way better gun.
Confiscation is silly anyway. Give me a weekend and a trip to the hardware store and I could build a passible submachine gun. Even easier is some sort of crude zip gun that could be used to get a way better gun.
Briggett · T
@Arnoldjrmmer Did you read the headline today about the AFT!
Arnoldjrmmer · 56-60, M
@Briggett the one about firing the head lawyer?
I think the best thing to do for that bunch is appoint Brandon Herrera as director.
I think the best thing to do for that bunch is appoint Brandon Herrera as director.
LeopoldBloom · M
Most white people who left Europe for the Americas did so voluntarily.
Also, the US didn’t burn down Malibu.
Also, the US didn’t burn down Malibu.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@LeopoldBloom most people who had their country attacked and wiped off the map say they came voluntarily. I'm in such a group. We lied and lies definitely made things worse! But you believe us when we lie, and never when I make sense. That's a political choice to wipe out my identity and save America m
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Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@jshm2 I think it's typical - Palestine dominated the Mediterranean for about as long! And people never fail to forget that!
LeopoldBloom · M
@Roundandroundwego Palestine never dominated the Mediterranean. It never even dominated Palestine.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@LeopoldBloomno that's false. Palermo is the capitol of Sicily. Pal, as in Palestine. History can be erased by your type to justify genocide. Gahead. We expect only that!
The entire West is a population that's mainly conservative, and you can erase anyone! You are war. You are that which you do.
The entire West is a population that's mainly conservative, and you can erase anyone! You are war. You are that which you do.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
No, not function! No next! USA can't let next happen- see the answers here and understand it's suicidal.
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Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@Arnoldjrmmer definitely the center left in Europe is collapsing because they're not socialist. That's their advantage over the real genuine left! They're war loving and not actively green, just like fascists only pretending not to be. No reason for a real left in any Western countries. They're a war tool and an apartheid machine, not civilization.
LeopoldBloom · M
@Roundandroundwego Where is there apartheid in Europe?
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@LeopoldBloom at every border, in every school where you can't register all children.
No place! Because this is not a problem for you. Apartheid is your way!
No place! Because this is not a problem for you. Apartheid is your way!
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BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
@Roundandroundwego you agreeing with me ... your medication is wearing off