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Anniversary of two battles today

On the 11th May 1745, the French defeated the British at the Battle of Fontenoy during the War of the Austrian Succession. That was the first battle when Highland troops - the Black Watch - fought for the British crown in Europe. The French called them Highland Furies.

On the 11th May 1858 General Rose, another Highlander, won the Battle of Koonch against the Indian Mutineers. Vastly outnumbered, as usual, , Rose defeats Tantia Topee, one of the enemy's top generals. Rose is forgotten now.
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Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
The Black Watch were commanded by Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 2nd son of George II. Even though they lost the battle they were commended for their bravery. The Duke was recalled to England to quash the Jacobite uprising under Prince Charles Edward Stuart, better known as Bonnie Prince Charlie.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@whowasthatmaskedman yet closer in blood to the throne than the German speaking butcher. I think Charles Stuart spoke some Gaelic though, like many of his Scottish subjects. I doubt Cumberland had a single word of Gaelic or Welsh.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@MandyMitchell Dont get me wrong. I am no fan of Cumberland or his acts to put down the rebels. (Wife is Scottish. So am well versed in it) But Charlie was just a figurehead to rally the clans and he would have been a puppet if he succeeded.. The Scots were never going to win, simply because they were not united. With the lowlanders pretty much against the highlanders, seeing the English influence in the same way as the Romans before them bought off the locals they came in contact with..😷
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Bonnie Prince Charlie's arrival in Scotland conveniently coincided with the British Army fighting in France. He was sent to Scotland by the french as a distraction.

I don't disagree with his actions or his motives but I agree that he would probably not have achieved anything had he taken control of London.
RedBaron · M
It was 166 years ago. The whole thing is forgotten now.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@RedBaron Indeed so; we neglect our history terribly. I doubt one person in a thousand has even heard of General Rose or the Battle of Fontenoy. We are a nation of ignoramuses.
RedBaron · M
@MandyMitchell Your history. We don’t forget American history here in the US.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
I think also something in WW2 to do with the Crimea in 1944,maybe all Germans cleared out or something..
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MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@Allelse That's the fellow. A 19th century murderer who gave safe conduct and butchered women and children. Hamas or Hitler would be proud of him.

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