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Anyone silly enough to be fooled by conspiracy websites is a Doofus

Let's start a practice of ridiculing anyone silly enough to be fooled by conspiracy websites. Henceforth, they shall be known as Mr Bunnypants Doofus.

Let's challenge anyone who makes extremist, unsupported accusations, such as "the Biden crime family" or "the hideous history of Nancy Pelosi". Challenge them on exactly what they mean by such statements. Demand that they produce documented, verifiable evidence of wild, improbable charges. When they cannot you are free to call them silly names.
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badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@MalteseFalconPunch We may not be able to change them, but perhaps we can make other people think twice about believing them. Challange unsupported, irrational accusations, and maybe we can isolate hateful crackpots.
LookingIn · M
Unfortunately we are now in the post fact world.
Opinions are the only things that matter.
It’s just a waste of time engaging.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
As long as you think it’s credible source right?
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@MrBrownstone Documented, definition:
tr.v. (-mĕnt′) doc·u·ment·ed, doc·u·ment·ing, doc·u·ments
1. To furnish with a document or documents.
2. To methodically record the details of.
3. To support (an assertion or claim, for example) with evidence or decisive information.
4. To support (statements in a book, for example) with written references or citations; annotate.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@badminton So you just ignored my question and you want to be taken seriously?
@MrBrownstone Shut up, Browny, tell us about the Great Reset.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
The problem is, these websites have them convinced that they are the only people who are aware of reality. As such, they are told that anyone making fun of them is either one of the sheeple or an actual agent of whatever conspiracy they believe.

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