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WhateverWorks · 36-40
I’m not really sure I’d call this a conspiracy theory when it’s in some company’s Terms and Agreements. I’d read about a rapist being caught that way.
4meAndyou · F
It's not given to the police directly. I am on, and if the FBI is really stumped, they submit the DNA from a crime to ancestry or someplace similar, and sometimes they find a near relative. A famous serial killer who was also a cop was found that way.
BohemianBabe · M
Before I give a conspiracy the time of day, I need to know what the point of the conspiracy would even be.
So why would the government want my DNA? And why would they need to do this to get it? Couldn't they just collect DNA from us when we're born? That would be way more efficient.
So why would the government want my DNA? And why would they need to do this to get it? Couldn't they just collect DNA from us when we're born? That would be way more efficient.
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
@BohemianBabe right i dont get it either just wondering who does and why
TexChik · F
China hacked their data base
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nonsensiclesnail · F
I’m not even certain that I care.
Hard to say. Officials and unofficially. People will do stupid things for money. Why trust anyone?
Hard to say. Officials and unofficially. People will do stupid things for money. Why trust anyone?
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I wouldn’t doubt it one bit. I bet the government pays them for it 😂
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Yes. It's obviously not cheap to do.
I'm also confused
Is not America part of Canada
Is not America part of Canada
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
So what do you care if they do? You planning to commit any major felonies involving your DNA?
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
@LordShadowfire just a question
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SoulAsylum I wasn't being serious. By the way, it's not just a conspiracy theory, as was pointed out by @WhateverWorks. They do share it upon request.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@LordShadowfire A individual's DNA and age is literally the key to the instructions for constructing or dismantling any part of that individual's body.
It's far more personal than your bank pin, tax id or anything else that should never be shared unless absolutely necessary.
In the hands of someone highly skilled, a designer illness could be created on an individual's genetic map.
Eugenicists would be happy to create a database of genetic "undesirables" slated for elimination from the human population.
That's the reason people should be concerned if the government can obtain it. Its well documented that a big government , already proven how evil they can be, should never ever ever be trusted or involved in personal medical information or treatments.
Only a person that's ignorant would say otherwise.
It's far more personal than your bank pin, tax id or anything else that should never be shared unless absolutely necessary.
In the hands of someone highly skilled, a designer illness could be created on an individual's genetic map.
Eugenicists would be happy to create a database of genetic "undesirables" slated for elimination from the human population.
That's the reason people should be concerned if the government can obtain it. Its well documented that a big government , already proven how evil they can be, should never ever ever be trusted or involved in personal medical information or treatments.
Only a person that's ignorant would say otherwise.