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These are all the years that...

America had a recession,
They are also the years that the Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Absolutely true.. And economic conditions respond slowly and report the past. You will find those recessions actually resulted mostly from decisions coming out of previous administrations.,😷
@whowasthatmaskedman it's bipartisan - the crashes capitalism always has will be a punishment for workers and the ownership will be even better off. Americans don't want to stop crashes or poverty. You want this.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Roundandroundwego And exactly who is "You", Paleface?😷
@whowasthatmaskedman the population ain't no commies! Y'all ain't needing no entitlements! Y'all is a willing sacrifice with no ideas about no politics. But y'all is dangerous! It's dangerous to try talking in person when y'all is so well armed and so uneducated.
Republicans destroy the economy and get voted out Democrats restore the economy.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Pitchblue that does seem to be a recurrent theme. I seems to be related to taking a good economy then enacting tax breaks, plunging the country into debt, and inflation, resulting in recession, then recovery, flowed again by a better economy. Clinton's administration with a cooperative congress went very far towards creating a balance budget and decreased debt, then Bush gave us tax reductions and reduced regulation, particularly with relaxation of rules on mortgage lending which led to bursting of the real estate bubble and "failures" in banking requiring massive bail outs of banks and auto manufacturers and then on and on.
@samueltyler2 Interesting how unemployment almost always increases under republicans, isn't it?

For the first time in literally GENERATIONS, real wages are growing for the lower quintile of US workers. And they're growing FASTER under Biden than they did under Obama or Trump. For the first time in GENERATIONS, the lower half of workers are sharing in our economic growth!

There are more than 5,000,000 (FIVE MILLION) more people employed now than during the peak under Trump. Just read the graph.

And the number unemployed is historically low!

Inflation? The pandemic deflation was followed by worldwide inflation; that is now gone.

I'm gonna argue that the most important economic stat involves employment/unemployment. Interesting how unemployment almost always increases under republicans, isn't it?

GDP growth red vs blue
And yet, Democratic Administrations have been better for the economy..
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Nice try, what was the party of POTUS leading up to the recession?

Anyone who blames any recession on an administration or Congress on an occurrence, fails to understand that recessions occur as the result of a trend over time.

beckyromero · 36-40, F
How about 1929?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
And with the exception of 1980, every recession year had a Republican president, going all the way back to 1949.
@windinhishair and the Democrats and Republicans have shared power because Americans hate socialism and the environment, vote blue and red but never Green because you're no pinkos! It's like you to refuse progress and kill - reds hate that! You hate reds. That's a fine plan
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Other countries have periodic market crashes, too, about every four to eight years. Capitalism created its underclass of cheap labor by repeatedly traumatizing people with economic stress. You need the broken people to be okay in your suburban lives.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Oh boy... you're triggering the left. Do you have enough tissues to go around?

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