ElwoodBlues · M
This is what Florida does in these cases.

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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@MarkPaul At the risk of sounding cliché, He's lost his marbles.
He's got a headful of loose screws, faulty wiring and is misfiring on one cylinder.
He's a few sandwiches short of a Sunday picnic.
He's a few playing cards short of a full deck.
He's three cans short of a six-pack.
He's madder than the maddest of mad hatters.
He's physically here, but his mind is in Wonderland.
He's rejected our reality and substituted his own.
In short -- he's an absolute whacko!
He's got a headful of loose screws, faulty wiring and is misfiring on one cylinder.
He's a few sandwiches short of a Sunday picnic.
He's a few playing cards short of a full deck.
He's three cans short of a six-pack.
He's madder than the maddest of mad hatters.
He's physically here, but his mind is in Wonderland.
He's rejected our reality and substituted his own.
In short -- he's an absolute whacko!
Carla · 61-69, F
Not before the election. That would be silly.
SomeMichGuy · M
@Carla Yes, before, it might make Democrats look good... 😉🤣🤣🤣
softspokenman · M
He could yell, I HATE HELENE, and it would disappear like magic or a miracle. 😲
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@softspokenman No human being on Earth, no matter how powerful, or influential can do, much less say anything to stop a storm or a hurricane from running it's course.
softspokenman · M
@Sidewinder True ✔
HannahSky · F
Let FL go
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
"No one knows more about weather patterns than me."
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
The weather is beyond human control.
SomeMichGuy · M
Well, it does help him concentrate his power... lmao
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I think some of the responders here don't realize what Trump stunt from the past you are referring to. 😄
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
I guess you American people will laugh for ever instead of taking over your Internet. Not in your best interest to be a democracy. You're great at other stuff.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego Stop going around in circles.
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