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US government wants access to Telegram

Earlier this year, Pavel Durov was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and he revealed that US agents tried to hire his engineer.

He said: “There was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by US cybersecurity officers.”

It seems they wanted to install open source tools and hack into the platform, with their aim being to spy on people. US government told France to arrest Durov and make up these phony charges.
carpediem · 61-69, M
US government told France to arrest Durov and make up these phony charges.

I don't doubt this but see no actual evidence. Therefore I'll reserve judgement until more comes out. However, just recently Zuckerberg admitted to the high pressure from the Biden/Harris administration to censor content they didn't like. Also the Twitter Files were incredibly enlightening proving that the Biden/Harris administration is indeed actively subverting the 1st Amendment.

So while I'm not ready to agree, I would not be surprised in the least. Yet another reason to get rid of these people in November.
@carpediem Read my own comment.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@carpediem “I don't doubt this but see no actual evidence. Therefore I'll reserve judgement until more comes out.”

How long do you think you'll be waiting? US and France will not give you evidence. Do you really need it?

I think you are able to see what is happening here.
US government as a larger entity already can hack into any social media service, a social media service it couldn't hack wouldn't long exist without comming down with continious cyber attacks until it collapses. Proof of this is all the drone strikes of middle eastern and iranian terrorists who definately like the idea of end to end encryption.

As smaller entities, many parts of the US government cannot hack social media. What this means is the NSA and CIA can read your chats, however clever you hide them, but the FBI and Department of Fish and Game cannot. Why? Because CIA and NSA isn't running to a court to prosecute people. They rarely bother with arresting people. You either end up dead or confounded yet again as your masterplot fails like Wiley Coyote.

FBI and lesser agencies who enforce laws for purposes of arrest and prosecution have to submit evidence in a court of law, and defendants have what is called "Discovery". They are allowed to look at evidence, pick through technical aspects, have it objectively, forensically analyzed by a third party who can publish technical details for their defense.

It is why you'll see mostly blurry images of satellites giving a broad view of sites, but hear the CIA did a vein analysis of someone's hand or read a licence plate number. They don't want to give away exactly how precise their capabilities are, just enough to scare the shit out of terrorists, afraid to go near a window for a decade, least they be seen.

Most people don't commit the sort of crime this level of attention brings. If a judge demands the evidence from the CIA or NSA they usually don't respond, or send a clueless generic spokesman who doesn't know how to reply, and at best faces 6 months paid leave in a jailcell for Contempt of Court, literally not knowing the judge's anwsers.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Motzu Good analysis. At the end of the day, the US Government will prevail.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Control of citizens is vital to the state. Control of citizens of all states in the world is vital to the US and its allies for the establishment of a rules-based order to protect security and freedom for all humanity.
sree251 · 41-45, M
That's why BushStain41 made that speech, to get the American public to accept globalism, and who better to push it than a repub prez.

I thought the democrats were the ones pushing for globalism.
@sree251 Both sides do when they're told to.
[image deleted]
sree251 · 41-45, M
Both sides do when they're told to.

I realize that now. They are all feeding from the same hand. Looks like the US Constitution has locked us all up in a system. The only way out is to give us the US passport.
Morvoren · F
None of the 3 “superpowers” can be trusted. They do whatever is in the own interests no matter how immoral.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Morvoren I understand what sree251 is asking.

“None of the 3 “superpowers” can be trusted. They do whatever is in the own interests no matter how immoral.”

Pavel Durov can be trusted. He did not hand information to Putin, or suppress opposition to Russia on our platform ВКонтакте (VK) when he owned it. He is a tech owner who is neutral and wants to stay out of politics. That isn't good enough to US and its allies.
Morvoren · F
@emiliya It wouldnt be hard for me to find a different situation that would prove the reverse.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Pavel Durov can be trusted. He did not hand information to Putin, or suppress opposition to Russia on our platform ВКонтакте (VK) when he owned it. He is a tech owner who is neutral and wants to stay out of politics. That isn't good enough to US and its allies.

I am afraid Pavel will be neutralized sooner or later. No private citizen can go against the government, not even Donald Trump who has mounted the most powerful resistance by far against state control of citizens' freedom.

France is just a front for the powers behind the scene. It is a big cat playing with a mouse till the rodent is half dead. Look at Assange. Pavel won't last long. Even Musk is watching his own tail. My money is not on Trump winning his fight against government power. It is too hard.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F
I think all this is worth some serious thought, and discussion.

But your claim that the " US government told France to arrest Durov and make up these phony charges" lacks real proof at this point. That's obviously what you think. But until & unless you can provide facts from credible sources, it' just your own opinion - and without any other solid info could be considered a "phony charge" in itself.

What's clear is that the US could itself have arrested Durov on the same grounds at any time over the last 3 years. But they didn't. Also, I think if anyone assumes the French are ever going to pursue any interests but their own, they don't know the French.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

No, what's YOUR problem ??

Is asking for some facts totally outside rational discussion? Or is shooting the bull what you really mean by "getting on with the conversation" ?

To me this post raises some valid concerns about government surveilance, personal privacy, and corporate responsiblity. But then mostly falls flat with some unproven claim that it's all about US spy agencies and their "deep state" agenda.

I'll have a discussion about real things & real problems - but I'm not wasting time crawling down another conspiracy theory rabbit hole.
GuiltyBiStander · 31-35, F

Okay. I'm done.

If you think proof is irrelevant, and people who want facts are school children - then you and I have nothing worth talking about.

You post what looks like a serious issue for discussion, but then want to argue about your right to be a troll.

emiliya · 22-25, F
@GuiltyBiStander I never said it was irrelevant, but how much proof do you need? Pavel has said that his engineer was approached by US cybersecurity agents. They wanted him to go behind his back and betray Pavel, and their request was that he enable them to spy on Telegram users. Arresting Pavel Durov is a way to pressure him to submit to their demands and allow access to private messages and private information on his platform. France is a good place to have him arrested as the French would not resist Americans. You seem to have a perception of them as rebellious, when they are a close friend and ally to US. This concerns globalist elites in their country too. They also want to know your information and what you are saying.
Jaego · 100+
Americans. Russians, Chinese.

They’re all bad news.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Jaego Which race is good to you?
Except they're not phony charges, I have seen traders of the most heinous of all pornographies advertise on other social media platforms, like whisper, including their telegram addresses.
sree251 · 41-45, M
I'm an Atheist

The historical Jesus was not God but an ordinary Jew. He was smart and as assertively outspoken as a Pavel Durov or a Snowden or a Julian Assange. He was done in the same way Julian Assange and Snowden were hunted down. We need heroes to redeem us and compensate for our cowardice.
@sree251 Yet no historical records of such subversive exists, not from Pontious Pilate, nor from Herod's, or the Sanhedrin.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Yet no historical records of such subversive exists, not from Pontious Pilate, nor from Herod's, or the Sanhedrin.

History are stories written by intellectuals to create narratives of a world they need to portray. The Jesus story depicts a tale of uncommon Godlike human moral courage. It serves us well to be cognizant of the ever-present evil that corrupts us and places us in bondage.
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