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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@DogMan German Jews were treated better during that time period than Black citizens were treated in America.
sree251 · 41-45, M
The point be8ng made is about what happened in Germany during the 1930's.

Exactly! There is something going on and it smells bad. So-called antisemtisim doesn't make sense to me. What is so special about a race that has gotten more than its fair share of attention in a world where no race is sacred and protected from human violence? And the sickening truth is that the whole matter is covered up by propaganda offered as history.

I grew up and lived among Jews in New York City. I have never seen any Jews persecuted there, not in the streets, not in my school, not anywhere and anytime in my life. It bothers me when antisemitism claims are thrown around in a violent world where 50 million people were killed in WW1, 75 million killed in WW2, and more millions wiped out and hurt in US foreign wars. Cries of antisemitism irk me and I want to get to the truth of what really happened in Hitler's Germany. I hope it is not the same bullshit about Trump's America.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@sree251 Don't think it's really about antisemitism. It's about using a race, religion, ethnicity as a target, telling people they are the "others", that they are responsible for all the bad things that have happened in their lives. And they will wave their flags, tell you how patriotic they are.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Don't think it's really about antisemitism.

Of course, it isn't antisemitism which has become a cuss word used against anyone who calls out a bad actor.

SlaveEt · 36-40, F
I am one of the ones currently fight back against the censorship, unconstitutional restrictions and propaganda. The US is too important for me to let it die quietly at the hands of the evil, power hungry and criminally insane.
Fairydust · F

Same! I’ll fight it all the way.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@SlaveEt I’d fight
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I hope I would fight against it. But to be honest, I would be a person of the time and place and for sure would have been the product of a racist society. It's scary to think and depressing as well.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@DogMan I'm thankful I live in the time and place I do now.
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@JimboSaturn that realization is a very good start to fight against the racist society.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
Remember, that even at the height of it's popularity, with all tge resources and power of being in Government in 1933 the Nazis could only get around a third of votes cast. The real threat is not from tge extremists, it's the people who can't be bothered to vote, who fall for the "they're all the same" and / or " we need somebody in charge who'll make the country great again".

As for me I'd love to think I'd be fighting the fascists on the streets, but depending how old I was, my upbringing, my peers, etc I could easily have been seduced by the rhetoric, the uniforms and the promises of bringing my country back to being a world power. Truth nobody knows how they would have reacted, but if you believe you'd be one of the few openly battling the Nazis then it's pretty certain you'd be a Brownshirt.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@22Michelle I take offense to your subtle way of equating people that want to
make their country great, with Nazis. It is the left that is pushing ideology on
people, and punishing those that do not comply. They are the ones fighting
the freedom of speech, and also the ones trying to abolish the 2nd amendment
in order to control more people, and force the far left narrative down our throats.

Progressives, and Nazis, have far too much in common.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@DogMan Want to make their country great again, that's straight out of the Nazi playbook. You've drank the Koolaid.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
How Nazi propaganda dehumanized Jews to facilitate the Holocaust
A new study of speeches, pamphlets and articles from the period shows how German fascism denied Jewish people humanity to fuel hate and justify genocide.

For those naive folks that do not believe the way Nazis turned the German people
against the Jews, please educate yourselves. There are literally millions of
examples proven over the last 70-80 years.
DogMan · 61-69, M
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
How Nazi propaganda dehumanized Jews to facilitate the Holocaust
A new study of speeches, pamphlets and articles from the period shows how German fascism denied Jewish people humanity to fuel hate and justify genocide.

For those naive folks that do not believe the way Nazis turned the German people
against the Jews, please educate yourselves. There are literally millions of
examples proven over the last 70-80 years.

Have you ever seen the WWII propaganda posters used by America against the Japanese and the Germans? Look them up.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
How Nazi propaganda dehumanized Jews to facilitate the Holocaust
A new study of speeches, pamphlets and articles from the period shows how German fascism denied Jewish people humanity to fuel hate and justify genocide.

For those naive folks that do not believe the way Nazis turned the German people
against the Jews, please educate yourselves. There are literally millions of
examples proven over the last 70-80 years.

If you want to read some real racist stuff you should read the comments by the Israeli politicians that describe their hatred of the Palestinians and their desire to create an ethnically pure nation from the Nile to the Euphrates. They make all other racists look like sweet angels, And guess what? They are supported by countless Americans and Europeans because they think a Jewish lich will give them eternal life.

The Nazis actually supported the Zionist goal of getting all of the Jews to move to Palestine. The problem was that neither the Zionists or the Nazis could motivate them to move. So, the Nazis ended up protecting them but putting them in concentration camps and giving them special uniforms and tattoos that could easily identify them as protected people. And, when the war was over, there were enough of them to actually move to Palestine and create Israel as a nation.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Dead. I would have been killed by that government for my politics no question.
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I see it coming from a country mile away. Id resist all injustice within my power to do so.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@NoGamesTolerated Do you see any injustices currently happening?
@DogMan of course I do…but I addressed this.

“1930 Germany Who would you be?”
I'm the one seeing through the hate, realizing the goal and trying to convince others to stop it before it's too late.
Northwest · M
And you think this is happening today? Which country is engaged in this full blown scenario you’re describing?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@JPWhoo There are NO books being banned. Banning means taken out of circulation
and unlawful to re-print.

All they are doing is taking gay porn, out of kids hands. Why does the left feel the need
to subject children to gay porn, and porn in general?

There have been school board meetings around the country, where parents read from
some of these books, and were scolded and kicked out of board meetings for
inappropriate behavior, after reading and showing pictures of grade school books.
@DogMan If you think taking books out of schools prevents kids from finding porn and learning that gay people exist, you must never have heard of the internet. The pearl-clutchers have always tried to control what children are exposed to, and have always failed.
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MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
Didn't the USA say that about native Americans and Black people? Here in England we had our own prejudices against Irish, Welsh and Scots.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@MandyMitchell Yes, they did. Long before WWII.
Northwest · M
@DogMan And long after WWII. It's not like you think Selma did not happen, or the Termination Policy did not happen.
sladejr · 56-60, M
Am I the only one that can see that happening again?

Bruh, you're hoping it happens again. 😆
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
My great aunt's future husband and his parents said no, they supported the communists and had to flee when things got worse.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 Me either, Lol. Did you go through Confirmation when you
were young?
@DogMan Yes, but with the methodists when I was 7, I didn't know any better then.
RageAgainstTheMachine · 36-40, M
@NativePortlander1970 You would support Hitler. I have no doubt in my mind.
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sree251 · 41-45, M
Nazi propaganda promoted Nazi ideology by demonizing the enemies of the Nazi Party, notably Jews and communists, but also capitalists[1] and intellectuals.

What has this got to do with present day America?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@sree251 I see the Democrats doing the same type stuff to their opposition.

everything from pretending Democrats are smarter, and more intelligent than the right.

The censorship of the right on social media. And the calls for "Retraining" the right.

Peoples lives ruined because they did not fall for the stupid mask mandates, and
shots. The way Democrats believed every word the Biden admin said concerning
covid, and the way they way went after anyone who "Questioned" authority.

I believe a majority of Democrats would stand by and say nothing, if Trump
supporters were put on trains, and taken to "re-education camps"
sree251 · 41-45, M
I believe a majority of Democrats would stand by and say nothing, if Trump
supporters were put on trains, and taken to "re-education camps"

There is no denial that the general population of 1930 Germany was as much subjected to state propaganda as Americans are today. However, @Diotrephes explained what happened in Germany and his account is consistent with published testimonies that are credible to me. Granted, it is a question of which story wins the vote of the jury even if it is not the truth.

Are you saying that I am a sympathizer of Hitler's Germany because I find it hard to believe that it's main focus was killing of Jews? What is wrong with @Diotrephes explanation that Hitler just wanted Jews out of Germany?
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sladejr · 56-60, M
@DogMan they used to tell the locals that the death camps were large sausage factories

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