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Gaza again - sometimes the sheer reality hits you

Seeing the news, the latest bomb blasts of rather strange targets (which "will be explained later" by the men in black suits sitting safely in offices far far from the horror of it all) and this little child, perhaps a year or so older than my own grandson, his face distorted by the sheer shock of the shells and the destruction they had caused. He stared into the camera then gesticulated to where the full horror of what he had witnessed still remained - friends blown to bits? A home in ruins? But the camera didn't follow; and Just the image of his face remains. Another world yet still our world.

Really, what can anyone say?
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Anyway, I thought I would give another airing to a poem I wrote over 40 years ago now.....

Those programmes are always the same;
Those Current Affairs programmes are always the same.
The editions that deal with some new war,
Those programmes are always the same.
First the historical background is given;
How historically the conflict arose,
How the crisis began - such information is given.
Then the World Perspective is given;
Everything is put into context.
The conflict is put into focus.
The Superpowers - all are placed in perspective.
The relevant politicians are referred to;
The words and attitudes of the relevant politicians are referred to;
A relevant speech of a relevant politician is referred to.
There is some in-depth analysis.
Then some film is shown of the actual battle area;
The areas actually touched by the conflict are shown.
Where the bombs have fallen - some film is shown.
Then come the women and children screaming.
Then come the women and children screaming.
Then come the women and children screaming.
Then come the women and children screaming.
Then various solutions to the crisis are discussed;
Various proposals for resolving the conflict are discussed.
The various experts discuss the various proposals.
Those programmes are always the same.

Just an observation - nothing much changes.
RageAgainstTheMachine · 41-45, M
There are no winners in a 3,000 year war over territory. It is abhorrent what these victims of war experienced.
@RageAgainstTheMachine Except 1948 is not 3000 years ago. And those that like to pretend it is thousands of years old are almost always those who don't want to see an end to the slaughter.

It was the same with those who liked to pretend the Troubles in Ireland were a continuous line from 1916 or even as far back as the 1600s in some contexts.
Jill1990 · 31-35, F
So, why do you watch the news? Do you feel obligated to hear how many are being killed ? Do you feel that I’m not acting responsibly because I switch it off ? I don’t understand why people are glued to the television every time there is some atrocity committed.
@Jill1990 You probably don't catch all.of my posts, particularly as I tend to change my "screen name" every so often, but as I've said I actually watch very little news, don't buy newspapers and very rarely look up news on the net. Cut off in many ways, by choice. I just happened to see this. I was simply giving my reaction. Thanks.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
I’ve seen that part of the world up close and personal, and I’ve no love for it. People there hate so easily. In the Middle East war is eternal.
@WintaTheAngle Well, Yahweh was certainly a God of war. It is there in black and white in the pages of the Bible. Words have power. He came out of those hills and deserts and war has been there ever since. Tragic.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@pipedreams I can’t speak for gods. But the people, there’s something wrong about them.
@WintaTheAngle As I see it, people can take their lead from the Gods they believe in.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”

as in, when the muslims that claim to be peaceful/tolerant do nothing to prevent/deter the muslims that are extremists/terrorists...

If palestinians really want any lasting peace, they need to arm themselves and evict the hamas themselves, and banish anyone who even considers starting a war with a country that'll result in them becoming a target themselves...

It's akin to starting a brush fire in your backyard, then complaining when your neighbor calls the fire dept. to put it out...
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Say... "Release the hostages and stop hiding behind civilians."
GovanDUNNY · M
I think Israel should be given new land away from the middle east, in the UK or America
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@Max312 I think we have more to fear from Islam than Judaism.I dont think in the Torah it tells you to convert infidels to Judah.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@wonkywinky It certainly doesn't tell you that you get rewarded with 72 virgins in the afterlife if you strap 10lbs of explosive to your kid and have them blow up a bus or cafe full of infidels... 🤔
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It's sad. Are they just focused on Gaza? What about the rest of Palestine? Tgere is more?
Yeah... I'm avoiding the news to avoid all the war talk.
Arming a conflict zone is a war. Too bad nobody can stop Murka.
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wonkywinky · 51-55, M
Dont f**k with Israel?

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