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Gangstress · 41-45, F
can you make sure cadburys crème egss are delivered to each household stat
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@jackieash] 😆 before you go can we see a copy of your manifesto
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Saturday me thinks
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@jshm2 That didn't stop Liz....well, come to think of it....
I'm back from Westminster. I needed 100 MPs to back me. I was short of that. By 100.....
Dan509 · 26-30, M
@jackieash27 I move to elect jackieash by unanimous consent
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Good luck! Be careful of groups of voters carrying pitchfork and torches 😅
GovanDUNNY · M
Be careful down there old boy, if you run into the King axs him for the pony he owes me
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I hope you enjoyed your break in London.
@MrAverage1965 I have a confession to make, Mr A.... all that was a leg pull. I was just making mock of the state of the so called government and how badly they've run things. I didnt go anywhere. The point I was making was the tories have made such a bog hole of everything, I might as well have had a go. Sorry.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@MrAverage1965 I did know it was just a joke. Even now they can't seem to get things wright, appointing bullies on government positions.
CestManan · 46-50, F
Until then :)
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Pip pip cheerio