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I don't want to read trash

I'm already tired of seeing all the completely stupid and pointless trash that people who love aborting babies keep espousing on this site. I presume this will last at least a week, probably it'll be more. No one actually cares what they think or considers what they say as worthwhile. They have lost and they are redundant. But, still they keep insisting on boring us all with their assumption that we actually want to hear their opinions and their totally misguided belief that they are right. I wish they'd all stfu and just take this extremely significant loss in a rational and sensible way. Instead they're acting more immature than the babies they want to abort.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Turns out, people write posts for reasons other than your viewing pleasure.

that people who love aborting babies keep espousing on this site.

The vast, vast majority of people who support legalized abortion view it as a necessary evil rather than an intrinsic good.
Woman who have nonviable babies were just handed a death sentence but you don't care. The party that is filled with child sex trafficers made it illegal to abort their babies, you don't care. There will still be no support for babies born to children or teens that can't support them but you don't care. The states that will make abortion illegal with a penalty of murder have the worst child care ststems in the country but you don't care. This ruling has more to do with White Supremacy than it does protection of babirs but you don't care.
@robb65 This whole issue should be about bodily autonomy. The State cannot determin who should give up their organs even if it could save a baby. There are no laws detemining what a man can or cannot do with his body. When people have no awareness someone close to them become their proxy. A fetus has no brain making the medical proxy the Woman.
@Pitchblue organs and lives are not the same thing and a absolutely no comparison!
@Pitchblue the brain is the first thing that starts developing, because it us needed to control everything else, such as the heartbeat. As an embryo the baby is nearly all head, why it looks so strange. By 12 weels the baby is fully formed and the focus is on growth and establishing nueral connections
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
What if people just want to prevent children from living a life of misery, either from mentally, emotionally, or financially unstable environments?

88% of abortions are from women who are already living in poverty or on minimum wage. You can't exactly go to college or enlist in the military when you're dead broke and having to raise a child. What's likely going to happen is that they stay stuck in dead-end jobs or go on welfare until the child is at least in high school.

But the worst part is that childhood poverty has strong correlations with a whole host of adverse affects that severely impact their quality of life. A 2019 report from the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine stated in their study that

The committee concludes from this review that the weight of the causal evidence does indeed indicate that income poverty itself causes negative child outcomes, especially when poverty occurs in early childhood or persists throughout a large portion of childhood
We find overwhelming evidence from this literature that, on average, a child growing up in a family whose income is below the poverty line experiences worse outcomes than a child from a wealthier family in virtually every dimension, from physical and mental health, to educational attainment and labor market success, to risky behaviors and delinquency.
Some children are resilient to a number of the adverse impacts of poverty, but many studies show significant associations between poverty and child maltreatment, adverse childhood experiences, increased material hardship, worse physical health, low birth weight, structural changes in brain development, mental health problems, decreased educational attainment, and increased risky behaviors, delinquency, and criminal behavior in adolescence and adulthood. As for the timing and severity of poverty, the literature documents that poverty in early childhood, prolonged poverty, and deep poverty are all associated with worse child and adult outcomes.

It's pure hypocrisy how people who claim to love babies so much have no qualms whatsoever about condemning them to a life of hardship

@SW-User Pregnancy and a developing baby is something sacred. It took me the same experience to change my views.
@SW-User I'm glad it did
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@SW-User When did I ever say that all denied abortions would have horrible childhoods? If you're going to put words in my mouth, at least put the correct ones.

88% of abortions are from women who are already living in poverty or on minimum wage
childhood poverty has strong correlations with a whole host of adverse affects that severely impact their quality of life
The blame isn't just on the lack of access to abortion, because there are several contributing factors.

A few basic lessons here. 1) Anything less than 100% does not mean ALL. 2) Correlation does not equal causation. 3) When there are several factors to consider, that means there are also several possible solutions.

And the welfare of children absolutely has a bearing on abortion because it’s the primary reason women choose abortions in the first place. They’re not jumping for joy at the fact that they have to terminate the life of a fetus, they do it in large part because they understand that they cannot provide a quality life for the baby should it be carried to term. >60% of all the women who obtain abortions already have children. Different studies show that the leading reasons women seek out abortions in the first place were related the financial and emotional well-being of their future or current children (~74% according to a study that aggregated multiple polls).

Also, side note, animal mothers killing their own offspring has been documented in hundreds of species, particularly mammals. We obviously can't ask them why, but the most common theories are a lack of food or when the baby is born sick or weak. So the act of abortion might not be so abnormal and unreasonable since humans are not the only species to do it.

Cultures throughout the world also have traditional techniques and recipes for inducing miscarriages. If you read about the history of abortion, there's quite a variety of ways pregnant women had to terminate their fetus. Criminalizing and outlawing the act is a relatively modern invention of society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_abortion

It does make you wonder what the purpose of the law is or should be. Different legal scholars and philosophers will give you different answers. You're trying to argue that it should protect all life at all costs. But laws also historically sentenced people to death and sent soldiers off to war. Another inconsistency. Another theory is that laws give priority to some people above others. Patent law gives priority to patent holders, property law gives priority to property owners, immigration law gives priority to certain immigrants, court systems give priority to whoever it rules in favor of, qualified immunity gives priority to certain government officials. Even self-defense laws give priority to a person who harmed or killed another, if the law deemed it reasonable. From this point of view, you could make an argument that a mother's life should be given priority over her unborn child.

Given how common miscarriages are, we don't know definitively that the fetus will survive all the way to delivery, nor whether other health complications would arise from a pregnancy, nor whether the mother will survive giving birth. With the maternal mortality rate as high as it is in the United States (55th in the world), and the possibility of miscarriages resulting in deadly hemorrhaging, you could make an argument that the mother is reasonably defending her own life and health by terminating the fetus.

As far as your contradiction goes, it’s the statement you’ve made that "all children are of equal worth". You did make the exemption to abortion clear. But as a pure technicality, you can’t make absolute claims like that when there is such a glaring exemption in the law you presented to defend your case. We can both agree that there is a lack of consistency, hence the contradiction. Overturning Roe also showed that there's a lack of consistency in how laws and constitutional rights are interpreted. The lack of consistency is infuriating both ways.

As far as my reasons for being pro-choice, I've cited several and none of them have to do any legal precedence. I did mention that laws were not consistent and change with time and jurisdiction. As far as your claim that women "can and will" travel to seek out legal abortion, it's not a reasonable assumption because it costs money to travel (especially with current gas prices), as well as seeking lodging and accommodations. As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of women who do seek abortions are poor, so it's not guaranteed that they can. Texas, the second most-populous state, is also trying to pass a ban on travelling for an abortion, which if successful, also means it's not guaranteed that they will.

But since the topic of regret was brought up, while there are definitely some women that do regret the decision to get an abortion, there are studies that show how the majority of women don't share the same feelings. The largest study on the topic of nearly 700 women asked 5 years after their abortion found that 95% of them felt that it was the right decision. A sample of 500 women in 2009 revealed that 90% believed that having an abortion was also the right decision for them. Another study from 2000 of over 400 women asked 2 years after the fact found that 72% felt the abortion led to more good than harm.
It’s painful some days..
“Let’s ban guns to save lives”

“Let’s kill babies”

Me: 🤔🤷‍♂️
Magenta · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Right?! Talk about hypocrisy.
Slade · 56-60, M
@Slade saved.
Piper · 61-69, F
Embryos and fetuses are aborted, and the only time anything close to a "baby" was legally aborted was when that unborn baby was found to some development flaw that would prevent the possibility of anything beyond a brief life of suffering.
Piper · 61-69, F
fetus just means unborn baby

I realize that you are correct, and acknowledge the flaws in my comment.

in Australia we allow abortions for third trimester babies for things like having a mild hand deformity

I think that is terribly, terribly wrong and should not be legal in any country. In this country, the one that all the discussion is about for an obvious reason? Most every state has extreme restrictions on abortions after 26 weeks, and many have them far earlier in a pregnancy. 89-92% occur in the first 12.

Yes the arguement often seems to drift to the extremes whereas public opinion is, as you point out, - a lot more nuanced

This is a good breakdown I found on polled views.

Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User ugh
BigBulge · 41-45, M
There isn't (and there never has been) a law allowing abortion of "babies."
@BigBulge @BigBulge Um, yes it is. "Fetus" just means "offspring".

You do actually realize that babies are kind of like, you know, babies before they are born? They don't suddenly become one once you've pushed them out.

After the embryonic period has ended at the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, the embryo is now considered a fetus. A fetus is a developing baby beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy.

[1.] https://www.medicinenet.com/embryo_vs_fetus_differences_week-by-week/article.htm

Fetus. An unborn baby from the 8th week after fertilization until birth.

[2.] https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=anatomy-fetus-in-utero-85-P01189

By the time you're 8 weeks pregnant, your baby is called a foetus, which means offspring.

[3.] https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/week-by-week/1-to-12/8-weeks/
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@SW-User A fried egg is a whole chicken that can feed two people.
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User his only big bulge is inside his bulbous cranium
carpediem · 61-69, M
I agree. It’s now an issue for the states as the constitution mandates.
@carpediem unless there is a agreed amendment to the constitution at the federal level made by the elected representatives of the people
carpediem · 61-69, M
@SW-User Good luck with that. The process is daunting as it should be.
Rayce · M
There's a special place in hell reserved for the baby killing death cult.
@Diotrephes What is there to elaborate on? Your commentary here is absolutely stupid, and not even worth addressing.
@Diotrephes I'm sorry but I have to agree with her

Aren't we continually being told that the "West" is facing a population crisis?

We live in the most generous time and places in history for unwed mothers

How much more financial support do you need not to violently kill the child you've conceived?

Not just that there is an army of adoptive parents waiting to take on full responsibility for an unwanted child.

All you have to do is not dismember it or crush its skull so you don't have the inconvenience of further months of pregnancy and childbirth

Surely that shouldn't be so hard? This is after all your child who had no agency. You did.
@Rayce Bingo
WhateverWorks · 36-40
🤔 people say lots of things on this site that I don’t agree with, but the beauty of this site is the diversity. Echo chambers are boring.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
@SW-User nope.. on this site it’s still all a forum of opinions by sheer definition 🤷🏻‍♀️ People posting about a certain topic is trash in some’s opinion, not an objective reality.. And.. SW is a neat kind of place where people are allowed to share their feelings (within the guidelines of course), not unlike how this user is allowed to gripe about other people sharing their views 🤭 Just because someone has conviction doesn’t make their opinion/feelings a fact/truth.
@WhateverWorks I was referring more to some of the arguments made than opinions per se

It is pretty clear that we as a society can't currently agree the grounds of reality across a number of topics

And yet there is a valid, objective reality

You are right though that tolerating different opinions is pretty key to enjoying the site

I don't. I'm not sure why I am addicted. 😂🤦‍♀️
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I agree that fundamentally there’s an objective reality, but it’s become convoluted by human beliefs, which begets complex actions/decisions/reasons, which are no longer objective. Reality is riddled with these complex situations to such an extent that the idea of there being an objective reality is a bit of a moot point since we couldn’t possibly (feasibly ) return to that reductionist state where no one had any personal beliefs that influenced their actions and perceptions.

There’s also the bit about how we’re constantly developing better technology, Science, medicines etc., which regularly disprove previous assumptions about the objective reality we once ‘knew’.

I have opinions on stuff too, but in the end I come to this sort of ‘Zen shrug’ about it 🧘🏻‍♀️🤔🧐🪐🤷🏻‍♀️🤭 humbled by how little I ‘know’ of the objective reality.

Yes I love aborting babies
@SW-User Okeyy.
RedBaron · M
Then don't read it. Nobody is forcing you.
RedBaron · M
@SW-User What are you actually complaining about?
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RedBaron · M
@SW-User Says the person stupid enough to think it’s OK to control people’s thoughts and personal choices.
chrisCA · M
Some people love aborting babies. Right 🙄
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Slade It would be great if you read the_____ fairy tale so that you would know what's in the damn thing. Have you forgotten how the God character drowned all life except for the stuff that was on the magical ark? How many babies did he kill that time?

And remember how he killed all of the first-born in Egypt? How many did he slaughter in that fun event?

Don't forget the 4th Commandment (Exodus 34:19-20) where you have to break the neck of the firstborn of a donkey.

And what about the time he killed David's and Bathsheba's son?

Then there were all of the times he told his minions to kill all of the other people and their animals in other territories.

Heck, he even killed his own son by getting him crucified. I'll bet that he got a big laugh out of that one.

If there's a hell then God should be in it for all eternity. Remember, we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil so we know that the God character is pure evil.
edit typo
Slade · 56-60, M
@Diotrephes Sure moonbat, it's evil but a fairy tale so it doesn't exist.

Congratulations moonbat, you got your hate Christian and hate America cred
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Slade The interesting thing about Christianity in America is that the con men and women were able to use it as a tool to entrench racism into American culture. They dug a very deep hole and the country is a long way from getting out of it, if it ever will. The biblical fairy tale was a very useful tool for digging that deep hole.

It's hilarious that you call it a fairy tale but identify as a Christian. You'll get vaporized in a flash in the lake of fire.
Most have the emotional maturity level of a toddler, so its no surprise that they pitch tantrums when they dont get their way.
@CuriousCutie Exactly this. I'm turned off every day by the toddler behavior by grown middle age people. 🤮
Coppercoil · M
Yeah there is a big difference between people who want to discuss difficult topics and issues and hear what others may say in opposition and to share their own views and those with malicious intent to try and hurt others they know dont agree with them. I block these people. Some of my closest friends i pretty much hate their politics but i love them and so that's that.. love wins the day once again.
Agreed. Murdering babies is big business apparently.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
And also on here you have pedophiles lying about all the grooming and other messed up stuff with children going on and how the UN is run by pedophiles and saying that children can consent to sex, and then if you dare call it out, you get labeled a Nazi who watches Fox News, OAN, and that you're spreading lies and propaganda even though that's exactly what those clowns were doing. They can seriously open up a nice movie theater with all that projecting these leftists do.
@IWasCallingYaLarry And all Republicans. Tim Nolan was a Judge and worked as a campaign manager for the Trump campaign. Tim went to jail for sex trafficking and forced sex with a nine year old. What do you think Tim's job was as a campaign manager for Trump?
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
@Pitchblue I find it hilarious how it's only bad to be a pedophile if you're a republican but it's completely acceptable if you're a democrat pedophile. It shouldn't be acceptable for either party to have pedos among them. Joe Biden can be creepy towards women and children and sniff their hair and do other creepy shit and nobody cares just because he's a democrat. And people also tried to make excuses for the dali llama a few weeks ago with what he did. There's just some real fucking creeps everywhere, man.
@IWasCallingYaLarry The difference is all of those Republicans went to jail. Biden being a pedophile is 100% Republican Propaganda that you got sucked in to. At that point I can assume you watch Propaganda TV, Fox News.
Support for abortion has never been higher, with more than two-thirds of Americans in favor of retaining Roe, and fifty-seven per cent affirming a woman’s right to abortion for any reason.
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@Floki Proving again the Republicans and a bias Supreme Court do not believe they work for the people. They are not even trying to hide the fact anymore. Just imagine the laws they will pass if they win House and Senate. The country is starring down the barrel of an oiligarchy right now.
@Pitchblue 😂
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Evil people
Modern people generally cant see they are wearing blinders, it truly is disgusting.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Yeah ppl aborting babies. Shame
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
And what about all the commercials on TV from women's groups spouting that 'its our constitutional right to have an abortion and that right should not be taken away' and it's our bodies and we should be able to do what we want......
WTF !!!
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
Amen. But in the upcoming elections, abortion will be a big topic . We should be focusing on birth control and educating people on how to prevent pregnancy instead of killing babies.
@Midlifemale I agree with that. Prevention is absolutely sensible *if* you don't want children or think you would have an abortion if you get pregnant. Any number of prevented pregnancies are better than aborted ones.
Applepiedom · 56-60, M
Jungleman · M
wrong! nobody actually cares what YOU think, loudmouth.
Slade · 56-60, M
@Jungleman then why did you respond to HER post jizzbreath?
@Jungleman rofl
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
[image/video - please log in to see this content]
TrumpIsFinallyGone · 41-45, M
@SkeetSkeet Family guy?
@SkeetSkeet Ye Olde Abortion Clinic:

SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
So you ARE a good person!
@SinlessOnslaught I know, right? I'm shocked too! 😂
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
Well said. I love your post.
So well put.
Fullmetal · 46-50, M
[image/video deleted]
@Fullmetal or an iud factory.
Aren't you commenting on abortion in this post?
@BohemianBabe Because their opinion is trash.
@SW-User So you don't actually think nobody cares what they think, you just don't like what they think.
@BohemianBabe whatever lol
Ynotisay · M
Kiss off Brit. No one gives a shit what you think about this. And little girl? NO ONE "loves" abortion.
@Ynotisay lol "brit"

Another dumbfuck who doesn't know what he's fucking talking about.
I bet you still eat eggs though 😂
@OogieBoogie oh god yeah...I'm so upset that this weird af woman on the internet said a bad thing to me! Omg what will I do! I care so much about what this brain damaged freak thinks! Fuck!

I totally will do that haha
@SW-User yeah, i mean you could be swearing your head off at me on my post , going crazy and such .

You could go off using insulting vulgar language.

Oh wait.....that WAS you .😜
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Zonuss · 41-45, M
This is your brain on drugs kids. Any questions. 😂
@Zonuss Yes. I have questions. Why are you pro abortion. Please explain.
The thing I find startling in their hypocrisy is how it is a bunch of cells when unwanted and a baby when it is wanted

They don't deserve children

They won't even educate themselves of fetal development or what an abortion entails

They're rabid..
Slade · 56-60, M
@SW-User adoption is definitely a seller's market. There's always many more wanting to adopt than babies
@Diotrephes Lol don't assume that I don't care because that's a mistake on your part. I very much care.

I believe that most women will bond with their babies. Regardless of what you people think, it's unusual for a woman to not bond with her baby even if she had reservations about keeping it.

Btw, did you know that if a woman uses protection (and uses it properly) she very likely will not get pregnant? Did you also know that there's such a thing as adoption? 🙄
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@SW-User People are vicious animals and they will kill children they don't want and love. They will prefer to do it before the birth but will do it afterwards, even if it takes years.

If you want to have children, have forty. Other people don't want one and will kill it. Is that any of your business? Spend your time and energy improving your own situation because you will never, ever, be able to change human nature other than the small part of your own that you have some control over.
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@Imsleepy I'm so glad you find me interesting enough to have an opinion on...it's a compliment when I don't even know who tf you are.
Imsleepy · 31-35
Seeing the dumbass things you post doesn’t mean I find you interesting. It means you decided to display your ignorance like a shiny badge. @SW-User
@Imsleepy Not sure what you wrote there because I couldn't be bothered to read it 🙊
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@SW-User ❤️

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